Chapter 58

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They say that every battle had a song that accompanies it and possibly every impactful moment you have lived could get a soundtrack fitting for it. If our lives were to ever become movies, that sure would come true yet you found yourself living a moment with a soundtrack, despite the fact that your life had not become a movie.

Of course, someone would argue if the orchestra version of Alicia's Keys 'If I Ain't Got You' was the song accompanying a Taehyung that was ignoring Sira and even refusing to seat at the same table with her, to the point that the boys ended up having a table of their own across the one, the girls had ended up occupying. The song was surely being ironic and misfitting enough, to have you and Areum be smiling from ear to ear while eyeing your boyfriend's, that definitely looked so done, with Taehyung.

"Don't worry girls. They will join us soon enough. They will give in for sure." Sira reassured you, despite the fact that none of you was really worried about anything for the situation was plain entertaining.

"I can't believe we are seating with him instead? Can't we just leave him alone?" Jungkook complained and Taehyung placed his hand over his chest, pretending to be hurt by his statement.

"What kind of friend are you? You aren't gonna stay by me in these tough times?"

"What tough times dude? You are perfectly fine. Just quit it and let go eat our dinner together like normal people."

"Your words are going in vain Jungkook. He is not gonna back out of this, so let's just choose sides, here and now instead." Jimin proposed and after a moment of silence, both he and Jungkook stood up from their seats, making Taehyung stand up and push them down on their seats again.

"You traitors! You chose them over me in a blink of an eye. Are you not ashamed of yourselves?! Fine, go! Leave me alone. I don't care." He folded his arms over his chest and gave them a stern look making both Jungkook and Jimin, roll their eyes at his stubbornness.

"I just don't see how us being away from them will help you win this...whatever this is anyways," Jungkook admitted for he just couldn't see the point of this but Taehyung gave him a mischievous smile before he signalled them both to come closer, and once they did, he proceeded to entrust them with his so-called great idea.

"Why do they look like they are scheming something?" Areum pointed out as she watched them gather like that and Sira turned her head around briefly at them, only to nod in agreement, for it was obvious that her boyfriend was planning something.

"Whatever it is that he is thinking, one thing is for sure and that is that it's gonna get us all in trouble. No idea of Taehyung was ever good." You smiled while you uttered a fact no one could deny as you surely had gotten your fair taste of the consequences that his brilliant ideas end up having.

"As if anyone is willing to let his plans go as he wants. I will make him talk to me for sure so worry not. Let's just enjoy our night." Sira's confidence instead of reassuring you on the matter made you even more sure that this night is gonna end up a mess but strangely enough you found yourself laughing at the thought and even looking forward to it a bit.

For this time, you had no reasons to worry. You weren't alone and thus you didn't have all the weight of responsibility on you. To not mention that it was such silly and troublesome things that made moments with friends even better. You sure were quite an odd group of people as you were so different from each other. There were things you would never do alone or even think of doing but when with them, you ended up living things you otherwise would have never had. Good things or bad things, you all surely were a bunch that challenged one another in different ways to get out of the comfort zones each had.

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