That One Person..

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That one person,

That person who would keep on calling your name,

But never not call it,

That person whose name is heard, and you're enlightened,

That person who wakes you up and suddenly the whole world is brighter,

Who is it?

Who could it be?

Who on earth could ever fulfil that role?

The cry of many is heard,

The weak suffer and the rich thrive,

Why does God allow all of this to be on earth?

A reset is all we need,

Just a simple push,

Let the good live and the bad suffer,

Hatred moves along and happiness be here on earth!

Our path shall not be stopped by anyone,

But if I cry, would you care?

Your harsh words disappear,

All I can see is darkness,

And no bright ways,

My path is fading away,

Something I once wished for is gone,

I want to sleep, for a long time, but not disappear,

Even if I did, would you seem to care?

Even a pretend cry is all I can wish for,

Deep in slumber,

Once I wake up, no one is there,

I wish to see your face one more time again,

You are judging but I don't care,

I will thrive and fly high,

Just like an animal leaving its well-known nest,

I will not be sleeping once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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