Drunk Ramblings

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Adler did not think he would have a trying day today, with working on these files constantly for the past few weeks to catch Perseus, he was hoping for a small reprieve. At least away from the affect of that man and to the free world and taking up all his time and mind. Only once he finally gets home, locking the door behind him and calling out for you does he find you groaning and singing a nonsensical song about puzzles in Russian on the couch, all limbs everywhere and head nodding off heat to your song and smelling like how he imagines Russians always smell when they're not being intent on destroying the free world.

He sighed with lips quirked, walking up to you.

"What happened to you while I was out?" He noticed a note on the coffee table, seeing it was signed by Park that they had an outing and Bell went a little overboard with her and Rivas since it's been some time they met up with one another. He chuckled, amused before dropping the note and squatting by your form with your eyes closed and hands moving like a conductor, his lips forming an affectionate smirk. "Come on, Bell. Let's get to bed."

You blinked, blearily before tipping your head exaggeratedly towards him and squinting.

"Mmmm. . . 'm not tired. You go," you waved your hand at him in a shooing motion sloppily before it falling back to your stomach like dead weight. "дерьмо," you cursed in Russian, the der'mo in a slur. "Heavy arm."

You did go overboard today. You usually could handle the liquor.

"Come on," he said encouragingly. "The bed would be more comfortable. I can count on it."

"Mmmm. . ." You nodded. "Okayyyy." You say up, a little shakily. Adler moved to grab you to take you to the bed instead but you moved his hand away and shaking your head, muttering that you got this as you stood up with a slight wobble before moving to the stairs. Him behind you to make sure you don't fall and ready to catch if needed.

Once they reached the bedroom they've been sharing the past year since you came back from your time in MI6. A wise decision in the end. You needed to keep your distance just like he had to. And not just from the CIA either.

"It was never personal."

This is not the fucking day to think about this right now, Adler took off his jacket and began changing to sleep wear as you went inside their bathroom. Perhaps doing it a little roughly as he took off his shades, glaring at them before pinching the bridge of his nose and placing the glasses on the nightstand. He looked over to the bathroom and headed downstairs quickly. Can't have Bell wake up too bad. Although it seems we both might be fucked up.

He came back with a glass of water and aspirin with some crackers, seeing you were still in the bathroom and placed the items on your side of the bed atop the table.

You were probably having trouble due to your state, Adler realized as he slightly mussed his hair before moving to stand up to knock only for you open the door, your own nightwear on being a white slip. When you still didn't move from the door and only seemed to stare at him in bewilderment at his half naked form, he moved to lay down with an inviting smirk as he patted the empty space next to him.

"Nothing you haven't seen before, sweetheart. Let's go. I promise I'll stay with you tomorrow to help you recover from the shitty hangover you'll have tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't come sooner today, you know how it is." When you still didn't move and just furrowed your brows at the nickname of sweetheart, he decided to change tactics as he sat against the headboard. "I can call ahead tomorrow to have the next two days off if you want and not just tomorrow. Go see that movie that came out—what was it? Star Trek? Star Battle? Whichever one. I can use a break myself from all this."

Drunk Ramblings| Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War | Adler x Bell!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now