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The sun was setting and the lights in the street were slowly turning on, one by one. A shadowy figure was walking down the street barely visible in the closing twilight. the figure passes underneath a lamppost that had just turned on. You could see a distinct green mop sway slightly in the evening breeze. The figures head was down but it was clearly speaking to itself. A bag was laid across their shoulder. Bright red shoes moved quickly back and forth, and a tie that looked slightly misshapen and wide. 

Another figure ran across a field towards the other, suddenly shouting out, "DEKU, look out there's a pole!" 

The person called "Deku" then walked straight into the pole, screeching out in pain as he did so.

"Thanks for the warning Uraraka" he sighed now on the floor, briefly knocked back out of pain. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever just be more careful next time" she replied. "What were you doing anyway"

"I was just trying to figure out how much I needed to spend for this weeks groceries, Y'know cause its my turn this week"

"Oh well ok then, but you really got to focus more on the things in front of you". Uraraka giggled, and turned around. 

"Where you going?" Deku half heartedly, clearly still dazzled from the bump with the pole.

"Well we gotta get back before curfew, silly" she rolled her eyes "Y'know, so Mr. Aizawa doesn't kill us"

A cloud moved just slightly, revealing a bright sun just about ready to settle down for the night, a large, orange horizon forming quickly. A rustling was heard in a bush beside the duo, but was shook off, because of reason to believe it was also totally normal. Uraraka began skipping her way across the path, and Deku followed.

If you couldn't tell, dear reader, something bad was definitely going to happen. So be it now was that bad happening.

A hooded man jumped of a the bushes and tackled Uraraka, both of them rolling to the ground. Uraraka seemed to have fainted and couldn't do anything. Because of the unexpected surprise Deku took a little bit to react. However when realising what was happening, he jumped into action. 

Dropping his school bag, full of school stuff he had just bought. He then activated OFA (A/N One for all, for those of you who don't know)

"FULL COWLING: 20%"Deku shouted, a green electricity coursing over his body. He moved forward at super human speeds shoving the hooded man off of Uraraka, then picking her up.

The man just smiled, a sort of crazy grimace and spoke "The two most perfect targets, a hero and a damsel in distress, now all I have to do is touch YOUR chest and then it will be done"

"What have you done to her!?"Deku shouted, confused as to how she had collapsed after one hit, for he knew she was much tougher than that to be knocked out by a single tackle. The man cackled, almost curling over in laughter.

"Its my quirk, boy. Its effects will do that to the first target" the man started to cackle again.

Deku put Uraraka down a safe distance away from the man, moving back into a fighting stance.

"Tell me, Villain, why target a student from UA. It will only come out as bad for you in the end." he stated, charging up in the process "Full Cowling: 5%" This boosted him far enough to touch the villain so he wound up his arm and shouted "DETROIT SM-" 

He was cut short when the man punched his stomach, and everything had started go a bit fuzzy, 'No matter, one punch isn't gonna take me down' Deku had thought this was true, but as soon as he got up the man correct him.

"My quirk is called *Bond*, It allows me too bond two people together, thus forcing them to stay within a 10 metre distance from each other" he brushed himself off, surprised from the force of the punch of the kid in front of him, which didn't even hit by the way "However this effect only lasts for 24 hours at the most. The time depends on how hard I hit the stomach of the 2nd target. The side effects of my quirk result in both targets being stunned."

"Then how did she faint?" Deku asked, almost forgetting what was happening.

"Because I took a quirk enhancer" Deku gasped "Yeah it was that simple, and I get a big payday for this as well. The guy with those hands all over his face said that if I got two students with my quirk then I'd get a free spot in the top ranks of the world when he reshapes it"

This almost didn't surprise Deku, he knew there was something fishy, about the guy just attacking randomly. The man also seemed to have thought he had collapsed by now, but when he looked over he saw Deku on his last legs.

Deku was starting to feel real bad, he felt he could throw up at any moment but couldn't. He was starting to fade to black.

"Oh here's another couple of things, leaving the radius of bonding will greatly injure both people. Because of the quirk enhancer both of you will probably be stuck like this for a couple years. The side effects might put you in hospital for a few days after. Blah, blah, blah all that trash is messing with my head."

A ringing sound could be heard in his ear, and the area around him went so fuzzy it almost wasn't distinguishable. He fell to the ground and crawled towards Uraraka. He could hear the man walking over. He felt a piece of paper being stuck to his back, and heard the man call out to Kurogiri. He then heard a whooshing noise then all went silent. He laid there for what felt like hours, but in reality was only a couple of minutes. The last thing he saw before it all faded to black was a red ad blue flickering light in the distance, and a sigh from behind him. 

(A/N I don't know what to say, hope you enjoyed and I cant wait till I have the motivation to publish another chapter, but don't worry it wont be too long. Please forgive any spelling mistakes and or bad writing, and the next one will be longer)

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