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The Fear Street Characters don't belong to me. This is just a fanfiction. I created the cover using Pic Collage.

A happy Sarah/Hannah fanfic.

Some spoilers for Fear Street Part 3: 1666.

In which Sarah and Hannah escape from the Union...


They've never been more lost in their lives. Not even when they were touching each other for the first time, guiding each others' hands like a farmer trying to herd their sheep, were they quite as lost as they are now. Figuring out what part of the skin is meant for gentle nips and rough kisses was easier than whatever Hell this is. Perhaps Hell isn't the proper term- there's no proof this is Hell yet. There's no beautiful demons or sly snakes with perfect tongues whispering sinful lies yet.

Maybe this is not physical Hell; mental Hell would be a lot more reasonable. They're sure that they must be in Hell. They're sure that the fingers of villagers determined to bring about their demise have shoved them so far under the ground they might be in the center of the Earth. Is Hell in the center of the Earth? Or were the villagers' fingers so bent on revenge that they wedged themselves in their minds and wriggling up deadly consequences for them? But in the end, it didn't matter. The villagers surely won...

Except everything is silent. There is no screaming cries, no banshee wails that cause even the most collected person to doubt themselves. There are no whispered prayers mingling through the tall grass that cause goosebumps to appear on their skin- and for that they're thankful. There are no eyes filled with paranoia glaring at them like they're parasites, mainly because there doesn't appear to be eyes on them at all. Not even a bird or single cricket makes a noise. The silence is both beautiful and terrifying; the silence is a reminder of a new beginning, but it is just as easily could be one of the last few sounds they ever hear. Silence was a rarity in the Union, and they can't quite help but find it unsettling.

Sarah finally lets out a puff of air, likely due to the fact she was out of breath from running. She'd been running for a long time- it might have been a couple hours or nearly a whole day. "I think we might be safe for a while, my dear. We'll have to start running again in the morning."

Hannah turns to look at Sarah, her expression unreadable. "My love, when will we stop running? We must settle somewhere before the winter!"

A thin smile- although it could have been a grimace- homes itself on Sarah's face, giving her a look of an all-knowing prophetess. Perhaps Sarah did know something about the future, considering that she had managed to curse Solomon Goode in a matter of minutes. Sarah proves to be intelligent, perhaps even smarter than her father, time and time again. Maybe she knew something. Maybe she didn't know anything about what the future held.

But what Sarah did know was this: they were away from the Union, and she was with Hannah. That's all she really needed to know. The rest, the unknown future that would slowly begin to unravel in a matter of minutes, would work itself out. It might be messy, perhaps even messier than when Sarah had to help the pig deliver her piglets. It might be dirty and hard, but everything would be okay.

"Hannah, we will be alright," began Sarah, taking Hannah's hand into her own. She gives Hannah a bright smile. "We will be safe. We can be out here, and we can be ourselves. We shall head farther out, and then we'll settle down. Settling too early could lead to them finding us."

"What if they find us anyways?" A defiant look began to dance in Hannah's eyes. "What if they never stop looking for us? What if they search for us out whole lives?"

Sarah gives her a devilish smile. "My dear, they've likely already stopped searching. Finding us won't be the priority for much longer, if it still reminds the current priority. The townsfolk will be more worried about the upcoming winter and how to undo the evil curse than us. Why chase down the bad things in life when you can try to make good things happen instead? Why waste all that time?

"Besides, many people lost children. Having new little babies and making sure nothing bad happens to them is surely also of high importance. The people must have children to marry off and hand down property to. Otherwise, the Union will deteriorate and die, and the land that was blessed by both mankind and God- according to my father, at least- will perish and house serpents." Sarah let out a deep breath from her rant.

"That's oddly... knowing," replies Hannah, raising an eyebrow.

"My father, although frequently letting that poison be his mistress, was terribly paranoid about the Union's future. I suppose I understand. My mother picked the land, and it remains one of the only things my father has left of her. He has even less of her left now," comments Sarah.

She didn't need to say anything further about Henry. It had been obvious by the darkness that clouded Sarah's eyes when she spoke of loss that she was referring to her younger brother. The way her hand tightened around Hannah's hand said everything that never needed said aloud: I'm not ready to talk about it, and I won't be ready to talk about it anytime soon.

"You know, I think my mother might have been pregnant." Hannah looks over her shoulder and closes her eyes, likely imagining her mother.

Sarah could imagine Hannah's mother. She was likely at the church, praying for forgiveness- for both the chaos caused by her husband and for the daughter she raised. Maybe she was praying in the town square, since the church had become an unholy ground. Her eyes would be filled with an unwavering cruelty, and her words would be even harsher. It was hard to ever picture her as a loving wife and caring mother, much less see her as the mother of sweet and lovely Hannah. And if she were pregnant, Sarah could almost hear her whispering for this child to be normal. And after her prayer, maybe she would try to convince the Union that she was still pure and holy, despite everything her family had done- they would have reason to believe her, considering that she was simply like that.

"Do you want to go back?" asks Sarah.

Hannah looks at the tall grasses that begins to gently swirl, almost like they were dancing, in the warm breeze. The sky that remains unbothered by their trivial issues seems bluer and clearer than usual, almost like it was trying to get them to explore it. Birds begin to chirp out lovely songs and ballads that only other birds can understand but still sound lovely to hear. Even crickets, hiding somewhere under the tall grasses, begin to play lovely melodies that would rival the birds' songs if it didn't enhance them.

There's so much waiting for them if they continue forward. There's a life for them out there, in the unknown. But the Union holds nothing good for them, not anymore. The Union is no longer their motherland. Why would anyone go back from this freedom to live in a pen and never be accepted?

"No," replies Hannah in a firm tone. "We're finally happy. We escaped. And I'm not going back."

Sarah smiles before kissing Hannah. "Me either."

And so they continue to wander, because not all who wonder are lost.

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