▪︎ Six ▪︎

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Selena instead of attending the meeting decided against it and waited for Solomon to come back and retrieve her.

She could hear the yells of the towns people screaming out for someone but decided to ignore it. Her head aching in pain as their screams grew louder.  

The door opens and Solomon's face appears, he has a worried frown but the second he sees her, his mouth turns up, smiling fakely. 

"Let us go my love."

"I must say goodbye to Sarah and father." Solomon shakes his head at her with a small frown.

"Your father is drinking, I've already told him my love. And Sarah must be with lizzie."

She nods before grabbing her wool coat and walking with him back to his home. It was a quiet walk back to his home, it would eventually be their home but she had drawn the wedding out for she was not ready to leave her father or her sister whom she loved more than anyone. More than Solomon.

"How are you feeling my love?" He asks her as they enter his house. She shrugs with a confused frown.

"I don't know sol. It's all too much." He holds her hand before lifting her onto the table. He lights a fire before walking back over to her.

She has tears in her eyes as she stares at him, a broken smile appearing on her lips.

He kisses her attentively before placing his hands on her face. Selena just wanted to forget the horrible memory of her brother so they continued.

As they finished a loud continuous knocking came on the door as they rush to put their clothes back on.

Selena gets off of the table watching as he opens the door, her sister tears in her eyes. "Sarah?"

"Selena you must believe me." Her words were coherent. Selena could barely understand, Solomon looked at her with a frown. 

"Hannah and I didn't do anything!" Selena stares at her in shock. Why would she think she did anything. 

"Of course you didn't sister. You are innocent." Selena turns and stares at her beloved tear now in her eyes as well. "My twin is innocent my love. Please believe us."

His thoughts ran wild at the thought of his love getting mixed up into her sisters mess.

"Of course I believe you my love. I'll always believe and trust you." He emphasises the word 'you'. He barely looks at Sarah who stares at him in disbelief especially since her sister didn't hear the underlining disgust in his voice.

"Sarah you're bleeding." Solomon's voice drew Selena's gaze onto her twin, and indeed was she bleeding. Luckily not heavily. 

"It doesn't matter." Sarah shouts making her twin jump back in fear, falling into Solomon's grasp. "I went back to the woods, to the widow." 

"Sarah!" The said girl shook her head in fear and anger. They didn't understand.

"She's dead! Someone killed her." Selena's mouth drops in shock as her sister carried on. "And there was this book... with a kind of instruction, an incantation."

"An incantation? For what?" 

"I think someone struck a deal with the devil." The small pit in Selena's heart grew larger hearing her sister speak of this demon that she hadn't believed in till now. "Offering our town." 

"Our town?" Solomon asks his arms now holding Selena away from her sister, almost afraid that Sarah would harm the girl he loved.

"In exchange, perhaps, for power?" She stares at her innocent sisters eyes, pleading silently. "I swear it. It wasn't me!" 

Selena rushed forward hugging her sister tightly shushing her, the pair not noticing the angry gaze of Solomon. "I believe you sister." 

"Who else knows about this?" Solomon questions Sarah who was still attached to her sister. 

Sarah shook her head as she let go of Selena "No one. Just you two." 

As the girl finishes her sentence, the sound of Caleb's voice rings out. "SOLOMON!" Selena's heart drops to the bottom of her stomach as they all stare out of the small windows. 

Caleb lead the small group of towns people, all of them holding pitch forks and torches. Solomon quickly ushers Sarah to hide telling Selena to stay where she was. Selena gave her sister her knife before pushing her into the room. "Hide Quickly!" 

Another set of continuous knocks came upon his door making the fier girl jump slightly. As Solomon opens the door the angry voice of Caleb rang through her ears. 

"We're looking for Sarah Fier."

"There's no one here but Selena and I." The man rushes past Solomon with a smirk staring down at Selena who stood looking at the rude and vile man in shock. 

"You are not free to search here Caleb." Selena's stern voice spoke softly yet firmly, not backing down as the man stared at her. 

Caleb walks into their bedroom throwing their belonging all over the place. "Do not try to intimidate me, Caleb! I am not some child." Solomon's angry voice grew louder as the man poked around. 

"ENOUGH!" The fier girl yelled out shocking everyone. "Leave us be. My sister is not here and even if we knew where she was i would never tell a man as filthy as yourself where she was." 

Solomon had enough as Caleb rushes towards Selena who stood in front of the door where Sarah was hiding. Just he attempts to grab onto Selena to move her, Solomon grabs him by his shirt slamming him against a wood pillar in the room. 

"I'll tell you once more there's no one here and if you ever go near her again you will lose your life." Caleb tries to square up to the much taller and bulkier man, as he attempts to walk towards Selena, Solomon grabs Caleb once again before pulling him and throwing him outside. 

Selena rushes towards Solomon who stands at the door staring down at the group, she grabs onto his arm hugging it as she watches their retreating figures. "All of you go on." 

Solomon slams the door shut hugging the small figure who shook. "It's alright my love. I will protect you." 

"Sarah." their hushed voices spoke as they rushed into the room only to find her not there. "She must've slipped out when we were speaking." Solomon spoke as the girl stared at him in fear. 

"We should look for her." Solomon shook his head before ushering her in the messy room. 

"No i'll look for her. You stay here and keep safe. Love you" She can't protest as he kisses her before closing the door. She falls to the floor weeping quietly not even realising what wasabout to happen less the 30 feet away from her. 

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now