All past us now

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Exposition: In this fic, years have past since the events of the tower of sweet chaos, Pastry cookie has finally left the St. Pastry order, Red velvet cookie no longer serves dark enchantress cookie and the two live together happily married.

Pastry cookie laid calmly on a couch wearing an oversized blue sweater, white pajamas and thick wool socks. Chiffon sat on her lap, she gently stroked his head while looking out at the window, she was waiting for something.

"Im home!"

Red velvet cookie said in a singsong tone as he walked into the house to greet Pastry cookie and Chiffon. The cake hound leapt off the couch and started circling Red velvet while bouncing up and down excited to see him. Pastry cookie immediately sat up and rushed to wrap her arms around Red velvet, he wanted to return the hug but his hands were currently full of grocery bags. Pastry cookie finally released him from her hug and said in a happy yet slightly worried tone:

"Red, The sun's almost gone! what took you so long?"

"I'm sorry dear, the lines at the Jellymart were excruciatingly long! You should've seen it! It took ages just to get to the cashier!"

"Well at least you got home in time, if you didn't we wouldn't have dinner!"

"Heh, I finally come home and yet you still decide to nag me?"

"Oh you!"

Pastry cookie then playfully punched his shoulder almost making him drop the grocery bags.

"Haha Hey!"

"Come on we don't have much time let's prepare dinner while the sun's still out"

Pastry cookie said as she tied her hair into a messy low bun and took the grocery bags out of Red velvet's hands. Pastry cookie walked straight into the kitchen and proceeded to take the groceries out of the bags. Chiffon playfully barked at Red Velvet cookie, signalling that he wanted to play. Red velvet cookie bent down and used his cake hand to pet Chiffon.

"Hehe, I know you're happy to see me too Chiffon, but I can't play now, I gotta help your mother cook dinner"

Pastry cookie looked up from the kitchen counter and let out a laugh.

"What? He's family too!"

Red velvet cookie said defensively.

"Hehe just come over here already!"

Pastry cookie said playfully.

"Alright alright!"

Red velvet walked into the kitchen and helped sort out the groceries. Pastry cookie got out a cutting board and started to chop some veggies for their dinner. Over time, she started to sweat a bit so she rolled up her sweater's long sleeves up to her forearms, Red velvet looked on with a grin.

"Agh don't give me that look!"

Pastry cookie said grinning all the while trying not to blush.

"It's not easy wearing long sleeves ok? I don't even know how you manage"

She said still cutting veggies while gesturing one of her hands towards Red velvet who was wearing his signature red jacket albeit, it was more worn than it was before.

"I....don't even know how I used to manage..."

Pastry cookie stopped silent,her hands froze midway through cutting the vegetables, her heart pounded against her chest and she trembled. she was remembering....

"Now, now..."

Red velvet whispered gently as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Breathe dear, breathe...."

All past us now (Oneshot Pastry x Red velvet fic)Where stories live. Discover now