▪︎■ 03 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

"Te ves linda, mamá." (You look beautiful, mama) I smiled brightly and gave my daughter a kiss on her head. "Thank you, mi vida." I turned to Miguel, my voice low so that only he could hear me. "If anything happens to her I will chopp your dick off."
Soothingly, he held up his hands.
"Claro, boss. No need to threaten my magic stick like that..." (sure)


The door was guarded by armed men, in fact the whole estate was. They stepped out of the way after they recognized me. I lifted my long dress to properly climb the steps and lastly went through the entrance. A huge room was revealed in front of my eyes. It had similarity with a casino. Basically it was a casino. A really expensive one, filled with a good amount of people and classical music. My fingers fiddled with the clasp of my bag. A habit that I rarely did and only when I was nervous. I silently forced myself to get my shit together and started walking towards the bar.
"Whisky, neat."
"Make it two," a masculine voice said. I gave him a quick glance and took my drink. It was an irrelevant little dealer, no idea how he got in.
"What is a beautiful girl like you doing at a place like this?"
Still not looking him in the eyes, I took a sip.

"Fuck off."

He let out a disgusting chuckle and forced me to look at him by grabbing my hair. He was drunk. I studied his old face without any reaction displayed.

"Don't talk to me like that or I will make you kneel in front of everyone in this room and fuck that filthy mouth of yours until you choke on my dick."
Crusty motherfucker.

"A lot of bold assumptions from such a pathetic little man..."

My hand went to a small blade that I kept hidden basically all the time. The rest happened faster than two heartbeats. I stabbed him into his crotch, his hand let got of my hair while he sank to his knees screaming in pain.

"Who is on their knees now, bastard? The next thing you'll miss is going to be your nasty tongue if you don't shut the fuck up and learn how to respect a woman. You filthy fuckers indeed are all the same."

He looked at me furiously, cursing me, but nobody came to help him. Again, I grabbed the glass and turned to the rest of the room. I slightly raised my drink to the crowd with a slick look on my face. Most of them were staring at the scene they just commited. It was more likely the fact, that I was at this event and not the disgusting old piece of shit that was bleeding on the carpet. Well, maybe both.

Like Miguel said, I wasn't here for a long time. To be exact, I visited this shitshow five years ago and I must say, nothing had changed so far. Except for my position, of course. Whatever, I had a target. Adrin Daniel Bianchi. Until then, he was nowhere in sight.

While I looked at the bleeding, now pathetically crawling man, I downed my drink, turned away, sat down at the bar and ordered another one. Where the fuck is this man?

I scanned the room once again. The people had already moved on from three minutes ago and now continued to talk and play. My eyes stopped at the billiard-table where a man sat in a leather chair, already looking in my direction. I realised who it was and I could tell that he was attractive even over this distance. I forced a smirk while I got up from my seat, taking the glass with me.

Circling the table, I slowly walked towards him. Even though he was surrounded by gorgeous women he followed my every move and gave me another glance when I was fully in sight, clearly checking me out.

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