The Survivor-Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Luke walked along Bannerman Road, alone. Rani was out with some of her other friends, and Clyde, (being Clyde), had not cleaned his room in weeks. So, naturally, his mother kept him in.

But, Luke knew, Clyde was probably not cleaning his room now, instead choosing to play a video game on his computer or read a comic book.

Luke passed a little shop, hands in his pockets. Maybe he should try to extend his social network.

This thought made Luke a little nervous.

Sure, he knew just about everyone's thoughts, but that still didn't prepare him for actual interaction.

Luke kept his head down. He was in a little neighborhood square, with shops and things. He spotted Rani walking out of the movie theatre, laughing. He decided not to go over and ruin her afternoon.

It wasn't that she didn't like to be around him, it was her friends. She told him about their opinions of him, even though he already knew.

They thought he was cute, yes, but not good for Rani. They wouldn't believe her when she said they weren't a couple.

They thought he was weird.

And, being truthful, he was. Sarah Jane said it was good weird. Luke wasn't sure if he believed that.

Suddenly, Luke was on the ground. He had plowed into someone, and was currently on top of them.

A girl. A beautiful girl.

An unconscious girl.

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