Chapter 8// Tia

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Grace's POV (the day after the date)
The date with Calum went really well, we actually went and had a picnic at a park like in my dream. And I thankfully didn't smash (😏) into another car. (A/N did u get my joke hehe)

"Hey sleepy head wake up" my mom said, walking into my room.

"What are you talking about, it's only 11."

"Come on get up Grace, I have some news to tell you." She said.

I hesitantly got up, get dressed and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and joined my waiting mom in the front living room.

"Come sit, this is going to take a while." she said.

"Grace, I'm not going to twist the truth or not leave out any information. We both know that when we talk I cut to the chase. I'm sorry but Tia was admitted into the hospital last night. She was out last night and a car had run her over. Its pretty severe, she slipped into a coma. The doctor does not know when she will wake up."

I couldn't believe it. She couldn't be in a coma, no no no I didn't say that was allowed.

I was uncontrollably crying as my mom held me in a tight embace.

Oooohhhh shiiiiittttt. Sorry some of you probably hate me right now *cough* Zoë *cough*. Anyways, I have like major writers block and that's why I have not been updating lately. And exams are coming up soon, so I have more assignments. And on top of THAT, I also have to go to volleyball practice and games. We won our game tonight, yay go team. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 300 READS OMG I FUCKING DIED IN THIRD PERIOD WHEN I SAW IT 😘

Peace ✌️

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