Chapter 26: It's Not Possible

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Logan was nice enough to lend me his face when I was in the house, so that way I could be around without her realising it was me. I've been watching her, using the excuse that, as her guard, I should always be around. I hate it but it means I can watch her and see if I can figure out what's happened to her. 

She hasn't once asked for me and it's driving me crazy. And every time someone asks her about the dinner, she says it was just dinner. That nothing happened and she was looking forward to seeing Declan again. So we know she doesn't remember knowing that he's not her mate. If any of us try talking to her about something that isn't sex related, she changes the subject and throws herself at us. 

Blake is the only one that seems to want to keep up with her. Zander said it's like she's having another mating frenzy, as she called it, but as she's acting strange they're not as thrilled about it. She's even been flirting with me, which is fucking wierd. But I've been nice about it, and she doesn't go any further than that. Knowing she's mated I guess, stops her from trying. But that's pretty much how the first few days went. Her avoiding conversation and sex. As I was still worried about her being sick, I planned to spend as much time with her as possible, but with Jumping the guys every five fucking seconds, I'm not succeeding and I'm dreading how it will effect her when it comes back. 

I went to see Caleb the first day too, so I could get some of these spells to put in her food, but he told me he's struggling to put anything together and that I need to ask Keelan. Come to think of it, she hasn't even bothered with Caleb. Out of sight out of mind I suppose. And though she seems to be eating anything and everything now, I still get a feeling of what she needs so make it as often as I can for her, when she's otherwise occupied. Otherwise she's been asking all of us to cook for her anyway. Which is another thing. She would normally make her own food including making things for us, unless one of us was already cooking. But now she seems lazy, like she can't be bothered. She doesn't just make something she looks purposely for one of them to feed her. She asked me once, and obviously I wanted to make her something, but to see how she reacted I asked her why she didn't make it herself. She said "Why do I need to when I have so many mates that can do it for me" Like I said, I'm starting to notice little things. 

I did go and see Keelan that day and he gave me a few things to try. A memory one, an unblocking one, and some other random ones and none of them worked. And Caleb still hasn't been able to do anything. He is so consumed by the woman in his premonitions, he can't focus on anything else. I'm thinking I may have to go and see his father. He will be able to put some things together. 

Even Katy spoke to Dravon in concern, saying she was acting weird. Kylie loves seeing Katy and the kids. But she noticed how Kylie kept pulling faces and would avoid contact or playing with them. And when Kris asked if they were going to have another 'Picture War' soon. She had no clue what he was talking about. 

When the weekend came she disappeared into her room, to call Declan, wanting to speak with him privately. I wanted to snatch that phone away and never allow him to set foot anywhere near her or speak to her ever again. But I held my tongue and tried to listen in and I couldn't hear anything, so she must have used a soundproofing spell. After the phone conversation, she comes out of the room and for the first time all week doesn't attack one of them. She seems angry but reserved, doing a complete 180 with how she's been so far. 

Over the next week, it's like she's herself again, but there is still the memory loss and new small mannerisms. Like I see her flick her hair alot, whistling all the time, when she was a hummer. She mutters to herself, Purses her lips all the time. Rubs her neck often as if nervous. She doesn't really look us in the eyes anymore either and she's using these words: “Like,” “Um,” “Uh,” “Totally,” “Basically,” “You know”. And the list goes on. 

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