Chapter 01

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"Hello, sir, welcome to the Fairmont..." Shaun politely nodded to the man who had pulled up in a bright red sports car. The keys were tossed to him without care as the man walked past and into the hotel.

"I'm driving." Katy stole the keys from Shaun's hands and rushed around the car with excitement.

"No, you're not... Katy. Hey, hey, get back here. Give me the keys." Shaun chased her to the car where she got into the driver seat and locked the door with a proud smirk. He leaned against the open window and tried to reason with his friend. "Please open the door."

"Oh, my God." Katy gasped as she revved the engine loudly.

"Get out." He tells her again sternly, not wanting to get in trouble.

"You get in!"

"Look, if happens to this thing, we're gonna be jobless and in debt for the rest of our lives. And y/n will never let us live that down" Shaun tells her with the shake of his head.

"Oh, come on. Nothing's gonna happen to this car. I'm the Asian Jeff Gordon." She tells him proudly with calmness and confidence in her ability to drive.

"I don't know who that is." Shaun replied simply.

"Most career wins in all of NASCAR history"

"Please get out of the car." He tried again with some hope that she would actually listen to him for once.

"Shaun, we've been friends for 10 years, okay? You know I'm not an idiot. Please, get in. I'll go slow." Katy promised truthfully. With a sigh he walked around and got into the passenger seat. Moments later he was screaming and holding on for his life as Katy sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic.

"Katy, watch the—!" Shaun shouted and pointed to the car ahead of them with fear flashing in his eyes. She acted quickly, spinning the car to turn down another another street.


"I knew Katy was trouble the first day we met in high school." Shaun started the story. "I was getting picked on a lot, for all the reasons we all get picked on a lot. Plus, I had just moved to the US, so I was struggling with my English, and I was on my way to lunch one day when this guy who was like twice my size yells at me from down the hall, 'What's up, Gangnam Style?' So I yelled back, 'I'm not Korean, idiot.'"

"And I turn the corner with y/n, on our way to lunch when we see this guy drop his backpack, he's getting all up in his face..." Katy continued.

"I warned Katy that we should do something" you took over the telling of becoming friends with Shaun.

"And right before he was about to throw the first punch, Katy comes out of nowhere, steps right between us and starts screaming the lyrics to Hotel California." Shaun finished.

"What?" Your friends husband asked while laughing at the event you recalled together.

"It's the art of confusion. Works great on stupid people." Katy shrugged proudly.

"And that's how we all met." Shaun said, looking to his two best friends.

"Then I pulled them both into the parking lot..." Katy started up again.

"At which point she revealed that she had also swiped the keys to the guy's Mustang."

"Yeah, we went on a little joyride around the block." You sent Katy a playful glare, remembering how scared you were to be in the car with her driving. Since that day you had always refused to drive in a car with Katy, opting to take the bus or walk instead.

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