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I wrote this for an fest in AO3. I will also post it in parts as the full one shot was over 17k words long. Do let me  know your thoughts on the story. Comments and votes will be highly appreciated.

And the gorgeous cover made by the lovely blazebby06 (Blaze). Check out his graphic shop Poison? he makes really cool covers.


A sigh filled the astronomy tower as I slumped against the railing. Outstretched hand catching any snowflakes that fluttered too close. Hand numb with the cold, nose at the point of feeling stuffy.

However, I had no desire to head back to the common room. Or to cover up my hand that was starting to turn blue. The numbness made my whole hand ache.

I heaved another deep sigh, my lower lip jutting out in a pout.

Why did a snowstorm have to hit today of all days? The one day we have an astronomy lesson. The one lesson I looked forward to.

Lost in thought, I didn't hear the footsteps on the stairs. Not until someone called out for me.

"Jungkookie? What are you doing up here after curfew?"

The familiar voice of the Slytherin prefect made me slouch lower against the railing until I was hanging off it. I didn't look back as I answered, keeping my eyes glued outside, at the grounds.

"Hey Minie Hyung. They canceled the astronomy class." Even I could hear the petulant pout in my voice. But it was just Jimin, I didn't have to worry about him making fun of me for being childish.

"What are you still doing up here then?" He asked, footsteps muffled against the howling wind as he made his way over to where I stood.

"I didn't know until I got up here," I grumbled, resting my chin against the cold railing. Ignoring the shiver that wracked my body, I stayed as I was.

"JEON JUNGKOOK! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF OVER A CANCELLED ASTRONOMY LESSON!" Jimin's bellow took me by surprise. Flinching against the volume with which he yelled, I turned to him with wide eyes.

He wasn't looking at me. Eyes flitting all around me, in search of something.

Confused, I looked around as well, wondering what exactly he was searching for. Besides the two of us, the tower was empty. It wasn't like anyone else would be insane enough to come up here during a snowstorm.


Jimin sighed and walked over to me. Hands warm as he cupped my none-gloved one between his.

"A canceled astronomy class isn't worth it to get hypothermia over," he said in all seriousness.

My pout only deepened at his words. "I didn't realize class was canceled until after I got up here."

Jimin shook his head, but otherwise had an endeared smile on his lips. Letting go of my hand, he fixed my scarf and brushed the snow out of my hair, then set his beanie on my head. Warmth seeping into me just by the action. Tugging the glove out of my hand, he pulled it on my hand, warm from where he'd cupped them.

"Come, we can drop you off at your dorm on our way back," he said, pulling me over to the stairway.

We? What on Merlin's underpants was he talking about? He and I were the only two here.

"That's okay Hyung. I can find my way back. I'll be fine,"

"I don't trust you enough to leave you here all alone and not find your body right where I left you in the morning little Bunny. Besides, I'm sure Tae wouldn't mind, would you?"

It wasn't until he addressed the question to the boy who stood on the end of the stairs that I noticed him.

My head shot up, and there he stood, in all his glory. The most handsome guy in school. My crush since second grade. Pureblood. Surrounded in mystery. Known around the school for having the coldest stare in the entire school.

Mostly covered by shadow, his blonde hair was like a beacon. How I hadn't seen him before was a wonder. I always have an acute sense of everything Kim Taehyung related. How could I miss something as grand as his mere presence not but feet away from me? Was I losing my touch?

Dark intense eyes raked down the length of my body, expression remaining blank. The perfect poker face. He studied my very much red face before turning back to Jimin. A bare lift of his shoulder was the only sign of consent he gave.

"There we go, buddy," Jimin said, voice boisterous as he gave me a hard smack on the back and started walking down the stairs.

Taehyung stayed where he was, staring off after Jimin. Just as I was about to follow, Taehyung's dark-eyed gaze flicked to me. I froze where I stood, pinned down by his gaze, too self-conscious to move an inch.

Silent and stoic, he tilted his head down the stairs, a clear indication for me to get my ass moving. No words were necessary before I was rushing to comply with his wordless request.

He fell into step behind me. The hairs on my neck stood up, goosebumps rising all over my body at how aware I was of his presence behind me. I couldn't stop fidgeting. And the silence was killing me.

"Are you staying over for the holidays this year as well, Ggukie?" Jimin's voice was deafening in the silence. However, more welcome than the awkwardness of the silence.

"Hmm, oh yeah. My parents are heading up to Bristol the day before Christmas break so there will be no one to pick me from the station," I answered in honesty. "I'm gonna miss Hobi Hyung and Joonie Hyung this year."

Jimin laughed, turning around to pinch my cheeks, walking backwards while he was at it. When Taehyung hurried his footsteps to walk just a step beside his best friend, it was obvious why Jimin was so comfortable walking backward.

"Aren't you the cutest little thing," Jimin cooed, eyes twinkling with a mischievousness I've learned to expect trouble from. "Well, you won't be alone anyway. Taehyung is staying at school too. Maybe you can keep him company."

"Minie Hyung," I gasped, smacking his hand away from my face. "You should ask Taehyung Sunbaenim before deciding that on your own."

Jimin raised an eyebrow at my offended tone, then turned a bored gaze to Taehyung. He was looking straight ahead as he walked, so I couldn't gauge his feelings through his expression. From the little I could see of his side profile, his expression remained as stoic as ever.

"You don't mind do you, Taetae?" The exasperation in Jimin's voice was clear. He didn't think this question was necessary to ask at all.

When Taehyung turned to his best friend, one side of his lips was lifted. He shot me a quick look before shaking his head.

"It'd be my pleasure to keep the little bunny company," he said before facing forward again.

My brows creased, trying to make sense of his words. Little bunny? Was he talking about me? But why was I a bunny? How did he even know that it was my Patronus!

"See, all settled then. You won't be alone for the holidays. Either of you," Jimin went on, oblivious to the dilemma in my head and very much ignoring how red my face turned when Taehyung looked at me.

Let's pretend that never happened.

Thankfully Jimin dropped the subject and moved on to pester Taehyung, leaving me to follow the pair in silence.

I was too busy staring after Taehyung's perfect backside to pay attention to their conversation. It was just about the upcoming N.E.W.T's and finishing their essays anyway. Nothing interesting. I didn't need to know how to brew the perfect Drink of Despair just yet. I had two more years before that nightmare began.

The moment we reached the Hufflepuff dorm, I thanked both Hyung's and booked it out of there. Almost slamming the door in their faces in my hurry to get away. I had a shit ton of planning to do before the holidays began.

Which started with fantasies that would most certainly never come true - like dates with Taehyung around Hogwarts (and Hogsmeade if we could sneak out) to freaking out over spending two weeks with Taehyung, to not getting a wink of sleep by overthinking my whole life.

Just another typical day in the life of Jeon Jungkook.

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