Chapter Three

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Story: Baby Harry's Day In
Chapter Three: Loads of Choco's for Baby Me!
Dedicated to: Harrypotter195604

*Harry's PoV*
We walked into another huge room. This room is not as big as the bigger house through which we walked earlier. Unca Moo hugged me and nearly squeezed poor baby me to death. He gave me a choc...o...late? Anyway, he gave me my favorite chocy! Dairy moo-milk! Do you know that moo moo cuties give milk? You don't? Well, learn from the brilliant me!

"Prongs, Lily...How have you two been? I see that this young man-"

"Ima baby, Unca Moo!"

"Yes, yes Harry. I see that this young baby has grown both physically and by speech. He sure has a huge tongue. Surely takes after James."

"Hey!" Dad protested like a professional.

"True, Remus. Just like this idiot," Mumma agreed, nodding her head. Yay! People are talking good about me and blaming daddy! Poofoot is gonna be 'appy!

Unca Moo chuckled.

"Why are we here again Moony?" Dad asked heroically.

"I-you know about my er..."

"Furry little problem?" Mumma suggested.

"Yes, that. Since Dumbledore gave me this-"


"Harry! Shush!" Mumma silenced.

"Ah, yes Harry, Dumbledore. Well, where was I? Yes, since he gave me this job I have to do something to reduce its er...side effects and another teacher would have to substitute me. You see, since I was meeting with you, Severus was asked to teach the third years. He's apparently brewing an advanced wolfsbane potion for me which would reduce the side effects."

"That's good. At least he uses his brains for something. But, what has that got to do with us then Moony?"



"Um, yes Harry, Dumbl-"


"Well, yes. He tho-"

"Dubledoor! Dubledoor! Ima Otter!"

"Harry!" Mumma shouted.

"Yes Mumma?"

She sighed.

"Er...I think we could ask someone to take care of Harry? It'd be better if only we talk too," Unca Moo said, hitting his head while chuckling.

"Yeah, that seems like a better idea. This is because of you, James! I told you we'll leave Harry with Alice or Marlene!"

"But they aren't Sirius! I mean they are serious in their jobs but Harry gets along with Sirius better, seriously!" Dad protested, heroically.

"Where do we go looking for a babysitter now?! You do realize Harry will get lost in this castle, don't you?"

"I" Dad stuttered, not so heroically.

"Alright, alright. Stop arguing like an old married couple. I will get Albus to er...make some arrangements. Perhaps Harry could play on the grounds?" Unca Moo suggested.

"No! What if he falls into the lake?!" Mumma shrieked.

"The giant squid will take him out for your love, Lils," Dad smirked.

"James Fleamont Potter!"

Dad gulped.

Unca Moo gave me a bottle. "Drink, it will help. It's just chocolate milkshake. Even I get headache from these two, yes."

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