Untitled Part 1

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I hate this. I've been forced to go to this stupid party. It's at the community

center and my parents think that if I go I may finally make some friends that'll stick. They're wrong. I plan on sitting in a corner with headphones on and ignoring any potential guy friends coming to talk to me. I don't care. I may have to be here but I don't have to enjoy it, or participate. I've sat down near the back exit in case of emergency. Emergency being the girls drinking spiked punch trying to get attention. Emergency also as in a volunteer asking me if I need to see a counselor for acting so out of it. Ugh. I retreat into a dark corner where I can see but not be seen. Nobody follows me here. I look up to make sure nobody is near.

Through the flood of people I spot a lone girl walking in. The strobe light bounces off her dark honey colored hair. She has a round face with slightly prominent cheekbones. In her ears are black snowflake earrings that she fiddles with. Her icy blue-gray eyes dart to my corner and then to another girl across the room.

Her lips thin out into a wide smile, waving at the girl across the room. It feels

like time slows and I can just see her standing there. Her friend jogs over, a

boy in tow behind her. They chat and the boy walks off towards the balcony.

I hesitantly walk up to her and her friend and ask, "Excuse me, this is going to sound odd but can I speak to you, alone?"

"Sure, one sec." She turns to her friend and whispers something in her ear. She's probably saying something like, "What an idiot!"

"Ok, I'm ready. Where to stranger?"

That's a good question, "Maybe over in the corner where there's less sweaty teenagers?" I laugh nervously and inwardly curse myself.

Who says sweaty when you first meet a girl? Stupid, stupid me.


When we get there I gather up the courage to ask her something.

"So, after luring you away from your friend I think it's only right that I introduce myself. I'm Jack, Jack Morgan."

"Hello Jack Morgan," she grins in way that makes me feel like I'm in on a secret "I'm Jaden."

"Alright well, I realize this may sound creepy but can I have your number? I saw you walk in and- ok am I sounding like a potential stalker right now?"

"No! Not all, I think it's sweet. Here, to minimize the stalker potentiality you put your number in my phone and I'll call you."

She hands me her phone and I give her my number. Then she asks me something equally embarrassing.

"Do you want to dance?" She gives me another smile and a quizzical look as if daring me to be brave.

"Absolutely! I mean yeah, whatever, sure...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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