Chapter Five

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Story: Baby Harry's Day In
Chapter Five: Annoying Unca Sev
Dedicated to: KittyDevan

*Third Person's PoV*

Severus Snape was vigorously stirring a large, thick bottomed cauldron. He added a pinch of asphodel root quickly. Sweat was dripping down his face, which was scrunched up in concentration. A loud bang elsewhere did nothing to grab his attention as he was well aware of the presence of a 'miscreant' in his workplace. The loud movement of a chair being pulled was heard, followed by the sound of stacking heavy books and bubbling potion. Severus stirred hard, not taking both his eyes from the pale green liquid; That is until a black mop of hair peeked into the huge vessel.

A frown creased the potions master's forehead as his dark eyes met emerald ones. "Wot is this?" the boy asked.

"None of your business, Potter!" Severus spat the name as if it was venom.

Now, it was the boy's turn to frown. Severus would have done well to remember that his wand was still with the boy. The boy's hands dug into his pocket and he took out a long brown bar-a chocolate, again. Severus rolled his eyes and went back to the potion. He was distracted soon by a munch. Potter had started on his bar of chocolate. Perfect, he cannot be fooled by that damned chocolate bar again, Severus thought. How very wrong he was when he looked up. His wand. His.precious.wand.was.broken.into.two.


*Harry's PoV*

The man shrieked at me with a very angry face and a clear scowl. "Ima Barry Otter. Anyways, wot do you want?"

"How dare you?!"


"Argh!" Unca Sev did an action which oddly resembled a man from a mugga movie named 'Mr Bean's Holiday'! I clapped my hands. After all, a good show must be appreciated, Dad says.

Unca Sev turned his back to me, again. Alrighty, baby me tried my best to grab his attention and now baby me is too tired and bored. I laid down on a huge book and took out my hanky to use it as a blanky. I closed my eyes, hoping to look at my older self who was pretty hero like. However he did not come. A hoarse, familiar voice was heard instead. I opened one eye and saw Unca Sev and another elfy.

"Get some pancakes and coffee. This miscreant gave me a nasty piece of headache and I am pretty sure my headache potion works well with coffee. Quick! Make haste, Simpy!"

"Yes Sir. Simpy shall be here with yous order sir," the poor brown elfy with large pink eyes and tattered clothes said. As soon as it finished its mini speech it disappeared. Pancakes eh? For baby me! Unca Sev is good. He knows baby me would be hungry.

"Good Unca Sev!" I said, clapping my tiny hands. He looked at me with...dis...? Disgust! Yeah, that's the word; and turned back to his huge vessel. I don't like that vessel and it's contents. They smell like bogeys. Sev walked away from the vessel and went to some cupboard.

Ima cause havoc!

I slowly crawled over to the vessel. It was easy for baby me as I was already on the table. I saw a small ant bite my poor lil hand, out of the corner of my eye. "Eh!"

Unca Sev still kept his head in a cupboard. I grabbed the ant and threw it into the vessel and crawled away from those terrible thorns which threatened to poke baby me. And all I heard was a:


I turned around to see the vessel erupt it's contents on Sev's frowning face. His face was blackened and I could not find his features (not that he has attractive ones). Ima about to laugh. I can't-

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