Chapter One

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Okay guys, I'm not going to give you any BS. You've waited long enough. However, I will emphasize that I can't promise uploading every day. Or every two days, three days, four days, or even every week. But I can and will promise each and everyone of you that my writing will always been genuine. It always has been in the past and thus, I will never force it. I will never give you a new segment just to satisfy you. I will always write from within me when I want to and when I need to. So with that being said...go ahead.


I see him sometimes. Perhaps more than I'd like to, but when you love someone like we love one another, you can't decide what's good for you because you solely care for what they want and need. He's changed, I didn't think he would, but he has; his eyes are as reflective as ever, intelligent, brooding, and intricately emotional. I know this even though he hardly looks at me. He's there in the flesh and I recognize him, because I know the dips in his skin. The curvateour of his bluntly short hair against his scalp. The lithe flexibility of his body and the time interval between his steps. He was gasping my name yesterday and today he can't bring himself to say it. He knows I'm there in the flesh too, but he doesn't touch me. He doesn't even risk it and he keeps his distance. But I see the way he trembles when I enter the room. I see how he taps his feet against the kitchen tile in order to create noise to drown out the persistent flow of thoughts he wants to blurt. He watches me but never looks at me. And I would talk to him, if only I knew what to say.


This is all I'm starting with and yes I know it's short, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? Especially when it comes to Marshall and Dri. ;-) I would love to hear predictions, comments (constructive is a-okay with me as long as we stay friendly), and anything else you guys would like to tell me. Thanks to everyone who stuck around and waited loyally for me to continue. I'm ready now. Finally.

P.S. The song on the side is one of my faves and I thought it applied nicely to the situation, which you guys will be able to watch unravel. Also, if anyone knows how to add a picture on the side of each chapter, please let me know down below in the comments. :-( It won't let me through Photobucket or any other medium!

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