Failure (Jerza One-Shot)

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There was so much blood. She screamed out in agony. Jellal winced as he heard her cry. He failed. Again. It pained him more than anything to see Erza in pain. And to make things worse, once again, it was his fault she was like this.

A few years prior to this horrific scene, Jellal Fernandes became a free man. After he and Merdey presented themselves to the council stating all the dark guild encounters and Zeref threats they've delt with since their release/escape, the two of them were officially free mages. At first, Jellal didn't know how to react. He defineitely didn't think he was worthy of this freedom, but didn't speak up against the concil's verdict knowing how much Merdey wanted to be free. Soon after the announcement was made that they were free, Fairy Tail came bustling in proposing the idea of the two of them joinging Fairy Tail. Of course, Merdey agreed, hoping to see Juvia again. Jellal, however, was very hesitant. At first, in fact, he refused. That is, until Erza showed up. After long talks and arguements, slapping and crying, she convinced Jellal to join the guild, and eventually, become her life-long partner.

Yes, you heard right. Jella and Erza tied the knot. But, not before huge monolouges from Jellal about how he had to atone for his sins. Fortunately, Erza pummled him out of thinking that. 

Which brings us to the present. Erza was screaming and crying out in pain. Her red eyes welled up with tears that threatened to spill over. But Erza being the person she is, refused to let anyone see her cry, even though the pain was excruciating. Jellal felt so helpless. He just stood there, next to his mangled wife as she stared into his eyes pleading for help. Oh, how he wanted to switch places with her so she didn't have to be put through all this misery.

There was blood everywhere. Erza's breaths became short and shallow. Unless you listened closely, you could hardely tell she was alive. Jellal almost went crazy. How could he have let himself hurt you again? He swore he would never let himself or anybody else ever do that to Erza. He wanted to scream along with Erza fueled by frustration and anger. He was thinking about how much he loathed himeself when his thoughts were jostled back to Erza. His hand stung with redness because she had been grasping and squeezing it for support. He could've sworn if it lasted any longer, she would've pierced it. It lasted 3 long hours.

When Sky finally was welcomed to the world, Erza passed out. She was able to hold her baby for the first time for maybe about 40 seconds. There was enough time those few seconds to name the baby and take  a memorable, yet sloppy photogragh. Shortly after, due to severe exhaustion, Erza collasped and allowed Jellal to walk out of the guild's infirmary with the baby for the first time in 4 hours. It took 1 hour for Erza to get prepared for her delivery and another 3 hours of her agonizing labor. As he walked out, he was met with congratulatory gifts and back slaps. A few of the girls were squealing with joy while some of the guys were just chuckling at their guild mates' behaviors. Jellal kept walking and stopped in front of his child's soon to be godparents. Jellal didn't want to spoil the surprise without Erza being there with him, so without saying a word, smiled at the two newly weds and soon to be parents and told them the baby boy's name. Sky.

Hope everyone enjoyed reading this! Did this at like 12:00 AM so its really bad and short XD Oh well. Just felt like posting one more fic before i headed off to bed. So who do you think the godparents are? Maybe I'll write a little epilouge to this if you all really want it. Arigato!!

Kawaii-kun :3

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