Chapter One

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Mom said a boy who looked around 15. Mom wake up please i'm scared dad he's gone crazy mom please you have to wake up  . he  killed *******  Oh no he's coming I have to hide .Oh ****** come out of hiding I won't hurt you I promise  If u dont come out in 2 minutes YOUR  GOING TO END UP JUST LIKE YOUR SISTER AND MOTHER !!  Oh  When I find you, you're going to regret hiding YOU  HEAR ME !  Well would you look at that found you  Now say Nighty night ...... OH Shit Callie a 14 year old girl running from the foster system  since they were 9  needed a place to sleep for the night and stumbled a pound an abandoned mansion  wakes up from there weird dream. Oh man that was a crazy dream I  wonder why I  even dreamed that  well time to get a move on . Said Callie before she could even leave there was a voice and it got stronger like it was talking to Them I think i'm imagining that there's no way someone other than me is here .  let me go check to be sure . so Callie did, hello she said expecting no one to reply, but   a voice did  wait what THE FUCK who's there ? And with that a ghost came out of the shadows . OMG  Hi, it's been so long since I  seen another person. What's your name and what year is this?   said the ghost. WHAT IN THE HELL Callie  said !!!!  

Hey, I hope you liked the story. There are more chapters on the way. I just want  to see if people like the 1 one and plz give me feedback. I really appreciate it <3

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