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The breeze was cool. Shivering slightly, she rose to her feet sighing softly. "I'll see you soon James.." she said standing straight she looked straight to the letter on the stone slab that read

'James Potter'

She sighed again then bends down and places 2 roses one in red and the other in yellow.

"You gryffindor heart." She chuckles lowly.

She then proceeds to place a single white rose on the marble stone a little  too away from James that read

'Lily Potter.'

Turning around, picking her bag up she walks away.

Little did she know that someone was watching her the whole time.

"She'll never love me the way she loves you..... Despite everything harsh you brought to her life....she still loves you more than anyone....more than me....." A desperate voice was heard mumbling.

He walks up to their graves, takes out his wand and made a bouquet of white flowers for each of the seperate graves.

Guess what I just did.....

This is just a prologue.....I won't be focusing much on this book but then I couldn't help writing it...

he chances of this book even being updated is less than 10%

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