Chapter Six

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Story: Baby Harry's Day In
Chapter Six: Minnie and biscuits!

*Baby Harry's PoV*

"Ah, I believe, Mr Otter here is a tad bit uncomfortable with all the bubbling cauldrons and swirling steam. I suppose a," he winked at me, "treacle tart or lemon drop would help him. Come on, Mr Otter. Tiddersocks would be awaiting your visit." He extended his arm toward me and I ran around to grab his hand. "Thank you, Severus for taking care of him."

Sev wrinkled his nose with another frown, "My regards to Lily and those mutts."

Dubledoor nodded with a smile and we left the dungeons after I said, "Bye bye Unca Sev! Nice meet you!"

"Alright Harry. Want some lemon drops?"

I nodded. I have no idea what lemo drops do. Dubledoor looked very enthusiastic at this.

"Albus." came a stern familiar voice.  We turned around.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall. I was just-"

"No need to explain yourself Albus. My mistake to leave him with Severus. Fillius would have fared better. I shall take the boy with me. Come on, Mr Potter."


The lady looked confused. Dubledoor chuckled. "He likes being called so." She nodded. She walked forward. I looked up at Dubledoor. "You have twisted my beard, go untie her bun then, Harry." With that I followed the old grandma.

She led me into a room, similar to Dubledoor's. The only exceptions being: the room was comparatively smaller than his and there were biscuits on the desk instead of cough drops.

"Take a seat, Mr Potter."

I made a face about the name before clambering up onto a seat in front of her.

"Introductions are in order. Myself, Minerva McGonagall."

"Barry Otter."

"Should I call you that?"

"I would like to be called so."

"Alright. Take a biscuit, Mr Otter."

I grabbed one which looked like a cat.

"Go ahead, it is edible."

Baby me doesn't know what it meant so I simply shrugged and ate it.

"Alright Mr Otter. I see Severus did not like your presence?"

"Unca Sev. Yes, he did not."

"Mmm. That's fine. He is like that. No one knows what others go through unless they themselves are affected. No matter. Let's do something interesting?"

"Okie, Minnie."

She raised her eyebrows. I grinned. She shook her head but I think I saw a hint of a smile.

"Like father, like son. You do have Severus's wand. Am I right?"

I dug my hands into my pockets and took out the long stick. The one which I had broken before was a trick wand given to me by my heroic father. Unca Sev got pranked by baby me! I kept it on the table and folded my tiny hands. She smiled and took back the wand. "Yes."

She took out her own wand from her robeys and pointed it at a matchbox. It turned into a teddy bear! I grinned and clapped my hands to show that I appreciated the show. She pointed her wand at a goblet and said something. My eyes widened as the goblet turned into a...touca?

"Pro! Wot is that?"

"This, Barry is a toucan."





"Hehe! Toucan! Toucan! Toucan!"

The bird looked at me. I looked back. It turned its head away and was about to fly away when Minnie put it into a cage.

"Was it fun, Barry?"

"Loads! I wanna see more magic!" I clapped my hands.

She smiled and for the next hour or so, she changed several things in her office, ordered me a lunch, made me read a story book by some Beedle Bard and helped me with speech. I was clapping my hands all the time! That's when I felt sleep overtake me.


*Lily's PoV*

Remus wanted James to work as a substitute when it was the time of the month. James would travel by floo and work the day out. We agreed and even Sirius (by floo-call) volunteered to help. This plan would be in action from next month.

I walked down the stairs of the empty defense classroom, James and Remus on my heels. We walked to the Headmaster's office and said the password, 'treacle tart'. The gargoyle sprang open and soon we were standing at the door of the office. James rapped his knuckles on them and we heard the headmaster's voice say, 'enter'. We entered the huge room and saw him sitting behind his desk working on a stack of parchments. His phoenix was perched at its stand and was blissfully asleep.

"Good afternoon, Headmaster."

"Good afternoon to you both as well, I assume you are taking your leave?"

"Yes sir. Sirius and I agree to work as substitutes if it is fine with you."

"Of course, Mr Potter. Young Mr Potter is currently with Professor McGonagall. I shall summon her here." With that, the aged headmaster sent a patronus to the deputy headmistress. Moments later, Professor McGonagall entered the office, carrying my baby in her arms.

Harry was asleep with a teddy in his arms. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I took him from Professor McGonagall and smiled in gratitude. I looked back at the two heads to see them both smiling fondly at my son. "He was quite the entertainment for me today. Thank him when he wakes up and give Pro Dubledoor's regards to him." I nodded. James said a 'yes'.

"You're right, Albus. I shall look forward to his schooling here," Minerva McGonagall said.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him, Headmaster, Professor McGonagall." They nodded.

"Severus too, took care of him. He told me to convey his regards." I nodded with a smile. Surely Severus would have changed. "Alas! It's time to part. We shall meet soon, for goodbyes don't last," Dumbledore said.

Taking this as cue, we hugged Remus and bid our goodbyes. Soon we were in the comfort of our house. Ah, home sweet home, but none as sweet as my baby son, Harry Potter.

The beginning of the end is done. There shall be an epilogue so stay tuned for it! Word count: 1022 words.


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