gun genie active

57 2 3

Appearing out of nowhere a chair arrived with a person on it..

Umbleo: tsk tsk tsk

Umbleo then grabs a tea cup and puts a single sugar cube into it

Umbleo: Not even 20 minutes and you've already messed up the story line so much so that we have to destroy this universe....

Umbleo snaps her fingers as the universe surrounding them slowly turns to dust, she then grabs a spoon and starts to stir the tea

Nathan: is that a record?

Nathan then takes a sip of hia tea

Umbleo: close but the current record is 15 minutes and 23 seconds

Nathan then swallows his drink, places it down, and pushes cardins skeleton off of the pink princess chair.

Umbleo takes a sip of her tea

Nathan: So... When can i fuck up another universe?

Umbleo spits out her tea onto Nathans face

Umbleo: wait what?

Nathan: i want to beat the world record can i have a reset on this world?

Umbleo: a-um sure?

Nathan then jumps out of his seat and then jump around and hug Umbleo

Nathan: I might get this wrong cause of the drugs but.... I-I-I

Nathan then goes into the a basic anime confession pose (you know what i mean arms to the sides straight down, fists formed, looking slightly to the side and when they do admit they lean forward and say/scream it) 


Umbleo: a- i- uh-..... Huh? Please say that again but slower please

Nathan: can't sorry

Umbleo: what do you mean?

Nathan: the drugs wore off................. Damn man why do i still take them... Why am i wearing this dress? Where did my life go wrong? Why the hell do i question this stuff?

Nathan then grabs the gun genies lamp from his bag and rubs it

Genie: the fuck you want?

Nathan: i would like
All knowledge of guns such as how to un-jam them fadt and effective  and clean them thoroughly

Genie: fair

Nathan: the ability to create any gun with the cost of Magika

Genie: aight but all of them will only last one day and have a 3 second cool down aight?

Nathan: aight
Heavy Machine Gun: 20
Sniper rifle: 15
LMG: 10
AR: 8
RPG: 6
Grenade launcher: 4
SMG: 4
Pistol: 2

The ability to create any ammo type with the use of Magika:

Armour-piercing (HMG's and LMG's)
Cost        Type                    Number of bullets
50 (large magazine: 500 bullets)
30 (normal/ medium magazine: 250 bullets)
20 (small magazine: 150 bullets)

T.                  C.    N. 
Rockets: 100 each

40 mm grenade (grenade launcher)
T.               C.    N
Normal: 50 (6 grenades)
Incendiary/fire rounds: 120 (6 grenades)

Rifle ammo (just any rifle type of ammo)
C.      T.       N. 
25 (Large 100)
15 (normal 25)
5 ( small 13)

Every other ammo type (cause ima lazy mf and want to get this done before i sleep and want to make sure this makes some kinda sense for the future)

The smell of Gunpowder (O.C. X Various Things)Where stories live. Discover now