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Next Morning 

Rishab opened his eyes and reached over to another side where his wife was as she has rolled to another side in her sleep, only to find it empty and cold indicating she has woke up before him and he sighed and as he remembered what happened last night a small but happy smile tugged at his lips.

Post their make-out session, they had dinner, and all the time, his wife was busy avoiding looking into his eyes directly which made him smirk and stroked his male ego as the beauty and wonderful creation of woman by God is all his and he is not going let anyone come between them, once they were done they had ice-cream on a roadside and reached home at midnight and entered inside and he observed how she was wincing slightly when she took steps, so he stopped her and she looked at him in question when he bent down on his knees and asked her removed her sandals and he hissed angrily to himself before calming down.

"Biwi, you could have told me that your feet were swollen, we could have gone another day for dinner, upon that you wore sandals, not flats too," Rishab scolded her gently while she pouted at him.

"When I am having a Greek God as my husband, at least I need to look like a Princess not as a peasant you know," Prerana replied pouting and he shook his head at her dramatics "Biwi, You Are A Queen, My Queen, Get that fixed in your this little head, I have my eyes only for you and not anyone else," Rishab said and she just smiled at him.

Rishab shook his head and walked towards the washroom and got ready and came out of the door and the Basu Bari was filled with the aroma of Coffee, only his wife could make, he followed the smell and saw her in the kitchen preparing breakfast and at the same time coffee, effectively while she was talking with someone on phone, so he stood backside of her, he encircled his arms around her waist from behind and she looked up and greeted him with a smile.

"Good Morning Rishab," Prerana said and Rishab bent down pecking her on lips "You deserted me for this on this wonderful and beautiful morning Biwi," Rishab mocked accused her which amused her greatly.

"I still need to cook breakfast you know, Princess will be back in an hour and will be back of me not allowing me to complete my works, wanting complete attention from me, she is quite possessive of me like you," Prerana said kissing him on the cheek. 

"Last night was amazing Rishab, I loved the time we spent without any interruption knowing each other on the next level,"  Prerana said and Rishab smiled looking at her.

Prerana shook her head and remembered how even in sleep he was mumbling about something in the morning when she woke up Prerana's sleep got disturbed as slowly sun rays peaked into their room, falling on her face making her frown, she opened her eyes only to see Rishab sleeping peacefully looking a baby with minute pout playing on his lips while he was mumbling something and she smiled as she thought that no one will belive if they saw him now because he isn't the powerful and ruthless businessman that he shows in everyday life, she started tracing his features with her forefinger slowly trailing from his eyes, nose, cheeks, to lips continuing to his jawline when she placed her index finger on his lips. Prerana shook her head and kissed his forehead and moved out to get fresh and start the day.

She was turned towards him delicately startling her, and Rishab was close to her they were so closed as if she takes a single step their lips will touch while he balanced his weight on elbows with help of kitchen counter and looked at her smirking while she blushed.

"Biwi, I want you to take  rest from now onwards, you are in your last trimester and I don't want you to exert yourself and I will take care of Kukki and her needs from now onwards for the next few months," Rishab said sternly and Prerana pouted at him

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