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Story: Baby Harry's Day In

12 years later...
Hogwarts Courtyard

*Harry's PoV*

Ah, fine day today. The autumn breeze blew against our faces as we sat on a rock, chatting the evening away. The Hogwarts Courtyard is one of the best places to be when you need to relax. A week full of homeworks tire us, students, out.

"Oh! I totally forgot. I'm Harry, Harry Potter. A charming sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a brave, chivalrous and proud Gryffindor, honorary Weasley, son of James and Lily Potter, godson of Sirius Black and er...currently after a cute redhead. Yup, I am my father's son. Though, I am not as violent as he was."

"Er, Harry. Violent? Which redhead?"

"What?" I turned around to face my best mate-Ronald Weasley, also known by the name Ron (or Roonil by me).

"You were telling something about chasing a redhead and not being violent with something...you don't mean me, do you?"

Hermione Granger rolled her eyes and frowned though she had a small smile. I laughed. So did Ron.

"Honestly Ronald! Do you think yourself as 'cute'? It's pretty obvious he's talking about...er...someone else and Harry, keep your thoughts to yourself. Did you get me? I do not think you want us to hear you mumble stuff." She talked so fast and we couldn't help but burst out laughing. Eventually she joined in as well. It took us quite sometime to stop laughing.

"Mate, how about a chess match?"

"Yeah, but I'd lose."

"Ron Weasley is our king!" Hermione smirked an uncharacteristic smirk. Ron's lips turned into a grin. He knows that she was just joking. I am glad I'm not a part of their daily banter.

"Yeah, thank you. By the way guys, I was thinking of something."

"Yeah?" Hermione and I asked in unison.

"When I was this small," Ron started, showing his thumb and index finger together, the gap being very small, "mum used to make us say our own names each day so we could at least pronounce our names properly." I raised my eyebrows. Maybe I know where this is going. "Ginny used to pronounce her name as Gingee and Bill named her Ginger."

"Well, thank you, Ron. I have blackmail material for Quidditch practices now," I said jokingly and fake bowed. Ron laughed heartily and Hermione chuckled behind her hand.

"What about you, Ron?" Hermione asked.

"Me, what?" he asked innocently.

"What did you call yourself?" I smirked, nudging his ribs using my elbows.

"Uh, er..." Ron turned as red as his hair.

"Yeah?" I asked. Hermione seemed to have forgotten about her book.

"I-er... I used to uh...call myself...umm...Roonil..."

Hermione had a small smile and I burst out laughing because Roonil Wazlib was an inside joke between us. Hermione did not know it. Ron looked embarrassed so he turned plates.

"Oi! What did you call yourself?"

It was my turn to turn pink. Mine is very bad...very, very bad.

"Yeah?" Ron smirked, mimicking my actions from before.

It can't hurt to tell them, can it? They are my best friends after all.

"Hullo. Ima Barry, Barry Otter," I said with the famous Potter smirk and a small mock bow.

This time even Hermione couldn't hold her laughter. When we asked her, she told that she 'honestly, learnt her name without any errors'. Of course, it may or may not be true. After all, this is the brightest witch of her age we are talking about.

I looked ahead.


Blue yon skies.

I felt a sense of déja vu rush through me. No, I am Barry no more and telling the greatest friends, be it an embarrassing moment or a depressing moment, is no crime. In fact, it just increases the depth of understanding...

I exhaled. I could feel Hermione and Ron looking at me, with smiles as well as concerned eyes. I nodded.

"I am Harry, Harry Potter."


Hey guys! I really did not expect 50+ votes and views! Thank you so so much! Word count of this chapter: 843 words. I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I loved writing Harry's PoV's be it baby Harry or teen Harry. It was fun. I have not really written his PoV for such a long time so it felt...different and wonderful!

I had to publish this chapter and the final one early as I am having my exams starting tomorrow and I have no idea if I would be able to get onto this platform. I hope it came in as a bonus chapter. ;p

My sincere thanks to all those who have followed this story until now. I am planning on another humorous story and if you have any requests for genres, feel free to direct message me.

Hoping to let that story out soon as well.

Once again, thank you for reading!

With that, I take my leave for now. Until next time.


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