CH 01- 7 guys🥀

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Honking, yelling, and annoyance. That's all that could be heard in this darkened tunnel, only illuminated by the headlights of the many cars lined up behind one another.

There was a huge traffic jam occurring right now, but it wasn't because of a busy road at night, or because of people returning from work who just wanted to go home. No, it was something else. Something unusual.

In the very middle of the tunnel, there was a huge truck, with 7 guys in the back of the roofless section. They were the ones causing this huge traffic jam, and it was obviously done on purpose.

Their truck was parked right there, sideways, blocking anybody from moving past them. They seemed settled, the engine off, and no one in the drivers seat.

The smirks on their faces explained it all. They were getting the thrill out of what they were causing. It was as clear as day that they loved this sight.

"What the heck is going on?! It's that stupid truck over there!" Y/n's father yelled, honking the horn multiple times, which was pointless since it didn't faze those 7 guys at all.

"Honey, calm down. It's fine-" Her mother's words were cut off abruptly.

"No! I'm going to be late for this work meeting! I can't get fired, not again!"

Meanwhile, their daughter, Y/n, was sitting in the backseat of their car, lost in her own little world on her phone.

She honestly didn't mind this sudden late cause to her father's work meeting, because she didn't want to go to it at all. The work meeting was supposed to last around 3 hours, which she was not looking forward to.

It's almost like everything that was happening around her wasn't even happening. She wasn't fazed by this whatsoever.

"Who are these foolish teenagers?! Their parents oughta be ashamed!" Her father yelled, his anger not leaving for even a second.

"You better not end up like that, Y/n." He said in a stern tone which caused her to lift her head, holding back her smirk and putting on a fake innocence about her.

"Of course not, dad. I would never be like that." She said, an obvious lie, but her parents seemed to buy it.

Y/n was your typical rebellious teenager, but there was something different about her. She simply didn't care about anything. She wasn't perfect.

She smoked, had small tattoos which she hid from her parents, had piercings, and overall was just a gorgeous teenager who was rebellious.

She was a dare devil at its fullest.

She was the word, dare devil.

But her parents are oblivious to it. She never smokes in front of them, she hides her tattoos very well, and her piercings are just there and they don't seem bothered by those. She also acts nice for the most part.

She was 18 years old, and her parents wanted her to get a job and go to college and be their perfect little girl, but Y/n didn't want that.

A job? Why work when you can steal things?

College? She doesn't even know what she likes doing. She hasn't explored that part of her at all.

All she wants is to continue her teenage years for as long as she could. She wanted danger, and adrenaline like never before.

"Wait, they are moving.." Her mother said, her father's eyes following the 7 guys's move.

The 7 guys were getting out of the back of the truck, but they weren't getting ready to leave. Oh, no they were just getting started.

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