I hear your heartbeat to the beat of the drums

4 0 0

- HUH?! How come you've won again? – I frowned as Jirou won UNO for the third time in a row.

- You are really good at this! I hope to be one day as good at this game as you are! – praised Eri Jirou, which not gonna lie stung me in the heart a little, she always used to compliment me before. How sad.

- I'm sure you will be. – said Jirou smiling at Eri.

- Somebody pass me the crackers! I am in great need of a recharge for my next battle with Jirou.

- Again? How many times do you want to be defeated?! – asked Mina as she passed over the snack.

- Until I win. I won't give up! – I shouted with determination as I stuffed my face.

In the corner of the room Ochako was about to finish braiding Tsuyu's hair.

- All done! What do you think?

- Wow! Uraraka you sure are good at this! – smiled Tsuyu swirling around in front of the mirror.

- Okay now that everybody is ready let's start the sleepover! – ordered us Momo.

- But.. I haven't defeated Jirou ye-

- I said sit!

We sat down in our usual spots, making up a circle, with Mina lying on the bed, Jirou leaning against the wall, Uraraka sitting crossed-legged next to Tsuyu, Toru hugging a huge pillow, Momo sitting backwards on the chair and me taking a place on the bed, having the godly privilige of Eri being in my lap.

- Okay, so I'll start. Momo, truth or dare? – smiled Mina wickedly.

- Truth – She knew better than to fall into one of Mina's cunning ideas. Still, a truth question with Mina could be pretty risky.

- Alrighty then. Kiss, marry, kill: Shouto, Izuku and Bakugou. – as she said that Uraraka spit her drink out of her mouth and started coughing.

- Gosh, is everything alright? – I asked as I rushed over to her and gently started hitting her back. – Take big breaths. – I glanced over to Momo who was unsure of what to do, either way, with Izuku being in there, it would affect Uraraka. After giving it a bit of thought she opened her mouth.

- Okay, I'll marry Todoroki, kiss Izuku, but only ont he head and kill Bakugou.

- Hey, Im pretty sure that's chea-

- Let's just move on to the next one. Momo now you choose. – I said cutting Mina in the middle of her sentence.

- Hmm, Tooru, truth or dare?

- Dare! – shouted Toru with excitedness.

- Okay, I dare yo-

- Sorry to interrupt but I think we have some unwanted company. – said Jirou suddenly. everyone went silent and looked towards the door. Mina quickly stood up and dashed to the door kicking it open with her foot. As the door slammed to the wall we heard a familiar voice groaning.

- What perverted things are you doing again you bastard?!! – she shouted with frustration. We all came rushing to the door, though we all already knew who we were about to encounter.

- Oh hi ladies, what a pleasure to meet you all here tonight! – chuckled Mineta. – Well, it was nice seeing you but I am taking my leave now. Good night!

- Hey! Where do you think you are going! - shouted Jirou as we watched the goblin escape.

- Don't worry, I won't let him go empty handed. – as my eyes started glowing blue I formed a goat water illusion with my mind. – Now go and catch the intruder. – it obediedly noded his head and started running after it's target. Not even a second later we could hear him shouting through the hallways. Great succes. We couldn't help ourselves but burst out laughing.

- On a more serious note we should really go back inside, we will be in trouble if they catch us out here. – said Tsuyu as she wiped away her tears. And so we did as told and went back to Momo's dorm.

- Now back to where we left. – started Momo – I've just thought of a brilliant dare for you Toru, but I'm afraid yourself only won't be enough for this one. – now this got everyone's attention. For Momo to say such a thing...let's just say this was pretty uncommon.

- Is it dangerous? – I asked excitedly.

- Very. It might even get us detention. – answered Momo misteriously.

- Now I'm listening. – said Mina leaning forward.

- Okay so you know how the boys are constantly pulling all sorts of pranks on us, and how annoying they can be.

- Especially charegbolt. – interrupted Jirou as we all noded our heads.

- ...and there's been this trend on tiktok, with this one song of Keisha-

- No more words! We are in! – we shouted almost at the same time.

- Perfect! So everyone knows what to do then? Eri are you in too?

- I don't really know what we are doing buti t sounds fun! – smiled our little cinnamon roll.

- Great, then I say let's get going!

- Oh Iida will be so freaked out! – chuckled Uraraka.

We all made our way tot he boys dorm tiptoing.

- Careful! Don't make any sound or Aizawa will definetly kick our-

- LANGUAGE! – I whisper shouted at Mina who seemed to forgot that a 7 year old child was also with us.

- Hehe, sorry. Just be sure to be quite.

I felt a small hand grabbing my pajama pants, I looked over and saw Eri pulling my pajamas.

- What's up? – I asked leaning down.

- Emi, I don't really think I understand what we are doing right now.

- Oh, don't worry it's really simple. – I quickly explained to her the whole concept of our plan. After understanding our mission Eri was more than happy to participate, she seemed really excited. How cute.

As we started reaching our destination we couldn't help but let a few chuckles out.

- Okay everyone let's spread out! Everybody pick a door to stand in front of. Though we are outnumbered I think the noise will be loud enough to be heard by the others as well. Tooru did you bring the speaker? – asked Tsuyu

- Sure did!

We all spreaded out and picked a door. I found myself left with Bakugou's, which I was unsure how to feel of, I've gotten a little bit anxious.

- Okay, on the count of 3!! 1, 2, 3!! – the music began.

With every moment, as the music was getting louder and louder, I've gotten more and more thrilled. When the time came to bang ont he doors along to the rythm I closed my eyes in passion and began banging. First bang..something is weird...second...bang? I opened my eyes to see Bakugou standing in the doorway. Now I realised that this whole time I was hitting him with my fist. The emberrasment rushed through my body as we locked eyes. His red flamy eyes...I get lost in them everytime I have the chance to do so. I felt my cheeks turning red and I froze for a moment. That was until someone pushed me frrom my right side.

- What are you doing?! RUN! Run as if your life depends on it! – laughed out loud Mina running away. My thoughts were now clear, it was time for the grand retreat. I grabbed Eri's hand and rushed off after the others. For a second I glanced behind my shoulder to see the total chaos we've left after ourselves. All of the boys came out of their dorms, confused as to what had happened just now. As for Bakugou I was expecting him to be furious and yelling at us but I couldn't see him anywhere, I guess he went back inside and continued sleeping.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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