Past incidents

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Pitch black...All I see is black. I'm surrounded by it. There seems to be nothing else either. Wait...this seems familiar. Too familiar for my liking.

"This is another dream isn't it?" I ask myself.

"Yup, definately."

"Who said that!?" I say. I turn around, but find nobody there.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"Yeah right, that's what Gabriel told me before he tried to kill me. How can I be so sure I can trust you? Hell, I don't even know who you are!" I say looking around in the darkness.

"Unlike Mr.Fazbear on the main stage, I live up to my word."

"Wait, you know who Gabriel's possessing?" I ask curiously.

"I know a lot of things Drake."

This voice even knows my name...I don't like where this is going one bit. This dream is even weirder than the last one that started like this.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I say sternly.

"Unfortunately, I can't really do that. But I can show you something much more interesting."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You'll see in a moment."

Then all of a sudden, Freddy's comes into view, except it looks like it came from a different time. I get a chill down my spine at the sight of this.

"What are we doing at Freddy Fazbear's?" I ask.

"Because you need to see how and why the spirits are trapped in those animatronics."

I look inside the restaurant through the window and see about a dozen kids. And Freddy bringing pizza to each of them. But Freddy is the only one there. Where are Chica and Bonnie? And why is He running around bringing the kids pizza instead of performing on stage? My thoughts get interrupted as the children's voices get louder and louder. Freddy looks like he's having a hard time satisfying all of them. But then something catches my eye. A large, green gift box near the back of Freddy's and next to it is a window. A girl with black hair is looking through it, banging on it. Seemingly trying to get people's attention.

"Hey, who's that girl behind the window?" I ask.

"The very first victim that would cause the cycle of pain and torment."

"The very fitst..." I mutter. Then it hits me and I let out a gasp.

"You mean, This is when all the rumours about Freddy's started?" I ask.

"I think you know the answer to that."

I look back to the girl behind the window, but there's someone else standing behind her. A man in a purple suit. He looks down at her and grins wide. Then, I see red, splattered all over the window. I stare at the windows, my eyes wide.

"That...That w-was..." I stutter.

"Yes, the man behind the slaughter himself. William Afton."

"He...He killed that girl...and nobody noticed. That man really is a monster." I mutter angrily. I then see the gift box open and a large puppet animatronic climbing out of it and heading in the direction of the back door. Then all of a sudden, it's starts raining. I try to move but I can't move my legs. I'm stuck.

"Ugh, why can't I move!?" I say in frustration.

"Even if you could there's nothing you would be able to do."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You can't change the past, I'm here to show you why the kids are in this state. And why you need to help them."

The pizzaria suddenly changes to what looks like the present day Freddy's. I look around and find myself in a darkly lit room and blood is splattered all over the back wall and the floor. But it looks a lot redder than last time I saw it. And sitting against the wall is a fixed golden Bonnie suit covered in blood all over it. It's twitching eerily, very eerily. It gives me the creeps.

"Springtrap? Is that you buddy?" I ask, walking closer towards him. I kneel in front of him and reach out to him hesitantly, before pulling my hand back.

"Uh, what memory is this now?" I ask the voice. No answer.

"Hello?" I call out. Still now answer.

"Hey, are you there?" I ask.


"Damnit..." I mutter. I look back towards Springtrap, though I don't think this is Springtrap at this point in time. He looks a lot like my golden Bonnie plushy, besides the blood. I reach out towards him again-

" me..." The suit mutters in a deep, glitched animatronic voice. I jump back startled. Then its eyes look up toward me.

"Please, get me out of here...I'm trapped." It says. I jump back scared.

"The mask, get it off!" The suit says.  I slowly reach toward the mask. I hold the mask my the teeth, blood dripping down from my hands and onto the floor, some of it going into my sleeves. I put one hand on the top row of teeth and the other hand on the bottom and push the mask up. I struggle to get the mask open for a solid minute, but once I finally do get it open, I let out a deafening scream.

The man in the suit, his face

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The man in the suit, his face...It's far to familiar to forget. His mouth starts to twist into a wicked smile and his eyes rolled back. It gives me chills.

"You freed me..." The man says. His eyes roll forward, nothing but black with white dots in the middle, staring straight at me. He lunges at me and milliseconds before he makes contact, all I see is static...

I open my eyes and sit up in my bed, holding my chest and breathing heavily. The room is dark except for a purple glow coming from my eyes. I sit there in silence...

"What did I just see?" I ask myself. Confused, I wake up Mike and tell him all about it. He puts on the same expression that I did.

"So you mean to tell me that you saw into the last to the murder that started this entire thing?" He asks. I nod in response.

"And you saw William Afton inside of a golden Bonnie suit who was covered in blood calling for help?" He asks. I nod again.

"Wait, don't tell me you wanna go back there!" Mike says.

"Springtrap owes me answers!" I say angrily. I look at him for a second before turning away from Mike in my bed. I could feel his gaze locked onto me, but I just ignore it and go back to sleep. That bunny owes me answers, and tomorrow, I'll get them.

"No matter what..." I say as the purple glow in my eyes fades away and I slowly fall asleep.

"I will get answers."


Hey everyone. Been a while since I updated, but I'm pretty sure this turned out fine. I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you in the next one.

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