Freddy Fazbear's is burning down, burning down, burning down

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[I'm sorry in advance, y'all are gonna hate me so much for the end of this chapter. Please don't kill me.]

Springtrap's P.O.V

As Drake and Mike walk out, I lean against the bloodstained wall and yawn, before slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep. It doesn't take too long to start dreaming. The dream starts off pitch black, then after a while, it starts to light up before going dark again. I slowly open my eyes to find myself in front of Freddy's, in the nightguard uniform.

"This doesn't look good." I say to myself. I walk inside and see kids running around the place like crazy before catching sight manager?

"Ah, William. You're here early, your shift doesn't start for another ten hours." He says.

"Uh, I was just leaving..." I say turning to the doors, but they aren't there anymore. In fact, I'm in a completely different room. Then a hallway lights up behind me.

"Okay, I don't like this." I mutter. I slowly walk down the hallway, and as I do, memories start playing on the walls. My tenth birthday...My first time coming to Fredbear's Family Diner... the day I first met Henry...The day we bought Fredbear's...

"Heh, good times..." I say to myself.

Then a memory of my wife leaving me. Then the memory of my kids dying. The sadness and anger I felt on those days starts to settle in, it sends chills down my spine... Then memories of my first murder show up one of the the walls, the poor kid... Then more murders start popping up. Until eventually, I see the murders of the kids in those suits. Then I remember why I killed all those kids. It was to cope with my own children dying... Then the memory of my death appears on the left wall. I can hear my screams for help playing in my head, and the giggles of those spirits in the distance.

"Not the best day of my life..." I mutter. I look ahead and notice that I'm at the end of the hallway. Then a door appears in front of me.

"Okay, this dream is starting to irritate me." I mutter opening the door, before being blinded by a bright orange light. I then feel the temperature increase drastically. Then I realise, there's a fire. And to my surprise, it's at Freddy's. I stare at the burning restaurant wide eyed.

"What the... A fire?" I say confused. Then I hear a kid screaming from inside the burning building. Drake scream.

"Oh no... DRAKE!" I scream running towards the building. But as I reach the entrance, burning rubble falls in front of the doors. I'm shut out. Drake's screams for help go silent.

"No, no no no! No! Drake!" I scream. I try pulling away the rubble, with no success.

"No..." I mutter. I drop to my knees and sob into my hands. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see a burnt version of me, looking at me sympathetically.

"This happened to me... You're next." He says in a very glitched and creepy voice, before all I hear is a deafening shriek and all I see is static...

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