Chapter 1

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"Wake up Blu, it's time for school!" I hear my mum's voice boom from downstairs. I don't want to get up, I don't want to go to school. In fact, I don't want to be in this god damn town at all. I am a 17 year old girl who's due to start her exams very soon... I should not be moving schools this late in. "Your breakfast is going cold!" I jump out of bed and let out a massive sigh. My new "sister" walks into the room, beaming with excitement. "Hey, Blu, I can't wait to show you around my school, you're going to love it." I look up at her in disbelief wondering if this girl is actually bat shit crazy. Love school? This school? No way. You see, this is a classic story of boy meets girl, boy "loves" girl, then boy breaks up with girl after three years of being together for a blonde bimbo with big tits. Yup, that's right. I got replaced... with a barbie doll. And guess what... him and his new toy go to the school that I'm starting today. Isn't that just fantastic! "I'm going to love it about as much as I love you being in my room right now. Now get out" I say with gritted teeth. She looks at me as if I'd just told her I'd murdered her dog and then walks out my room. I wish my mum had never met this new guy. Right now, all I want to do is be at my old house, in my old school, with my old friends. "Blu! Get up right now before I come up there and drag your ass out of your room!" My mums voice bellows throughout the room. "I'm up!" I scream back. I take a quick shower, throw on a long sleeved red top and a pair of jeans and put on my makeup. I tie up my wavy, dark brown hair in a ponytail but I look like an idiot so I take it out and ruffle my hair up a little. I run downstairs to the kitchen where my mum is frantically sprinting around getting her work stuff ready. She stops in her tracks and looks at my face, "Blu you look like a baby prostitute" she says. I hardly have any makeup on. I roll my eyes, "thanks". My mum's boyfriend, Shaun, is at the table shoving toasted waffles in his big fat gob. He doesn't talk to me much, mainly because he knows I can't stand him so there's no point in even trying. I'll never understand what my mum see's in him. "Get some toast down you and get in the car. You're going to be late" she throws the plate in to my hands, and I slam it back down on to the table. She sighs, "Blu, let's not make this difficult" she says with her arms crossed. She doesn't understand. "I don't want to go. Why couldn't you have kept me at my old school it's not even that far away" I blurt. She rolls her eyes and packs her work bag frantically. "Because this school is closer, nicer and the best place for your studies. Now stop being a pain in my ass and go and get in the car with your sister". "She is not my sister!" I scream. Mum slams down her bag and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. "She will be" she bites back, getting in my face. Even when my mum and Shaun get married, she will never be my sister in my eyes. "My sister died when I was 11 along with the only man I will ever call my dad" I snap. I run out the door and jump in the back seat of the car. It's silent most of the way to school except for a few comments off Paige about how she "can't wait" to show me round. Does she actually think I'm going to pay any attention to her outside of our living situation? 

When we arrive, I get out the car and set on my way inside to building, not looking back or saying goodbye. Paige runs after me. "Blu! Wait!" she screams. I speed up but stop as I enter the building. "Wow" I whisper. It's huge, not like my old school. There are thousands of people opening their lockers and talking about how their summer went. I'm pretty sure I just overheard a girl saying she took her private jet to New Zealand... what is this place? Everyone's dressed in uniform like Paige is, which means this is the part of the school for the year 7-11's. I keep walking, following the signs that say 'sixth form' but Paige grabs a hold of me and pulls me towards a row of lockers, "this is mine" she says pointing to a locker with the letter P crafted on top of it. "And that one there, that one's yours" she leads me across the hall to a locker with the letter B crafted on to it. I pull a face. "That will be ripped off shortly" I grunt. She looks upset by this. "Why is my locker near yours anyway you're a year eleven? Shouldn't it be with all the other sixth form lockers?" "Well" she says with an enthusiastic tone, "I asked the principal if it would be okay that you had one near me cause I didn't want you to feel alone". I look at her with disbelief, "fantastic". I shove my stuff in my locker and start walking the way I'm meant to, dodging little year 7's running past me and trying to go faster so I can ditch Paige. Why is she even following me? I get to the sixth form corridor and stop in my tracks as I spot a familiar face strolling down the hall. It's the barbie. "She looks even faker than the last time I saw her" one guy laughs at the side of me, slamming his locker shut as I look over. I laugh too. He looks me up and down and smiles. He is gorgeous. He has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes that sparkle under the lights. He towers over my little 5'4 body and he looks like he keeps himself fit. He has a tattoo on his left arm but I can't see exactly what it is because its partly covered by his sleeve. "Hi, I'm Max" he says. "Blu" I say back. "Oh... like the colour?" I roll my eyes. I've heard that way too many times before. My last name is Skies. Why did my mum have to torture me like that? "Yeah... my parents hated me" I laugh back at this beautiful boy. "Don't worry" he grins, "my parents named me Maximus so I feel your pain". "Oh, like the gladiator?" I say with half a smirk on my face. "Yeah, something like that" he grins back at me. I feel a burning sensation through my soul, as if someone was staring at me. I turn back round and out of nowhere this girl with blonde hair and huge lips pops up in front of me. "Hi!" it says. "I'm Roxy. You're new right? Well, I'm the head girl here... just so you know" she smirks. "You look familiar" she looks confused. Yeah, familiar cause you'll have seen me all over Danny's facebook page before you snatched him from me. I start to talk but get cut off by another familiar face appearing in view. Danny. The "love of my life". More like the bane of my existence. He walks up to us both and puts his hands around the bimbos' hips and kisses her. "Hey beautiful" he says through muffled kisses before looking me up and down, smile fading into a bewildered frown "Blu?!"                                              "Blu?" barbie says in a confused tone before looking at you properly. "Oh... ew! What are you doing here?" she squeals, backing away slightly as if I had flees jumping off my body. I nervously laugh, looking at Danny. I haven't seen him in 10 months. He looks different, as if she has morphed him into how she wants him to look. His once brown hair has been given blonde tips and his dress sense is something straight out of an Eminem music video. This feels very, very weird. He can't take his eyes off me. I close my locker and go to walk away but Roxy runs in front of me and stops you in my tracks. "Well, I'd say it was nice to meet you... Blu, but I'd be lying" she says biting her lips. I put on a fake smile. Paige winces and looks at me with big eyes and I can tell shes silently begging me not to say anything. But, alas, that's not who I am. "I could say the same... Roxy, is it? But I've met a barbie doll before and quite frankly she was a lot prettier than you. Excuse me" I say attempting to walk past her, grabbing Paige by the arm and slightly pulling her along wit me, but Roxy once again stops me. "So why did your parents name you after a colour then? Did they know you'd get bullied when you grew up?" she says, laughing and looking at her posse of prostitutes for reassurance that it was 'funny'. They all snigger. "Why did your parents name you after a dog? Did they know you'd grow up to be a massive bitch?" I bite back. I hear a few muffled giggles from the crowd of people circles around us. Maximus lets out a laugh through his nose. That felt good. She growls and takes a step forward. "Okay girls calm down" Danny jumps in front of us both, his eyes still locked on me. I can feel myself going red. I push past them both and head off to the science room that's listed on my school diary. I hear Roxy shout something and I turn to face the crowd of people again. "Watch your back hoe or your name won't be the only thing that's blue" she squeals. I laugh. The absolute cheek of her calling me a hoe when she's the homewrecker in the situation. Paige is running after me, she looks scared. She grabs hold of the door I'm about the enter, putting her arm in the way so I can't go in. She looks me dead in the eye. "Be careful Blu... Please. She's not someone to mess with". I shake my head and look at her with reassurance. "I'm not scared of that mutt, Paige. She can't hurt me" I say. "I've got nothing left to lose".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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