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I waited up all night for Czar to return but he never did. Eventually I grew tired and decided to just go to sleep hoping that when I woke up in the morning he would be there.

But I was wrong. 

I woke up to an empty bed and I even tried calling Czar a few times but got no answer. I grew tired of waiting for him and decide I would go downstairs to have some breakfast. I did my hair into a neat bun before putting on another flowy sundress and some sandals. I made sure to grab the room key before exiting out of the room.

While I was in the elevator I couldn't stop thinking about Czar. Where could he possibly be? Last night was going so well...and then we kissed and now I feel like we're right back to square one. I tried my best not to think too much about the situation and to clear my head. When the elevator doors opened I made my way to the dinning room where they served breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the day.

There were families eating and a few couples as well, suddenly I missed Czar a whole lot more. I quickly joined the line and grabbed a plate as I piled my plate with random food before taking a seat at a corner table.

I was in the middle of taking a bite out of my pancake when a random guy sat in front of me. He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. His hair was dirty blonde and slicked back and he had very dark green eyes. His nose was somewhat pointy and there was a scar above his left eyebrow. He smiled at me while I stared at him confused.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

he chuckled slightly. "Yes, yes you can. You're Zariah right?'

My heart began to beat out of my chest. "You're Liam."

He smiled again, "So, you've heard about me." 

I began to stand up from my seat but he stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." He said.

I looked down and a silver gun was siting on his lap. My heart dropped and I took a seat.

"How's Czar?" He asked as he took a hash brown from off my plate and ate it.

"H-he's fine." I said as I looked around the room trying to see if I could get anyone's attention.

"That's good...you know, I never pictured him as the kind of guy to settle down."

"Listen" I said. "I was forced to marry Czar, he doesn't love me. Killing me won't hurt him." 

"Hmmm do you really believe that?" Liam said as he leaned over the table. "Because I think he's pretty fond of you"

"He doesn't-"

"I never said I wanted to kill you Zariah." Liam said as he leaned back in his seat. "There's no fun in that."

"Then what do you want?" I asked.

"I'm going to take everything Czar loves away from him just like he did me." 

I looked down at the table and bit my lip. "You know he wouldn't have killed her if he knew she was pregnant."

Liam chuckled and shook his head. "God, do you believe everything that comes out his damn mouth?! He's a murderer a cold blood murderer never doubt that for a second."

"Then what does that make you?" I asked. "Why did you kill his father?"

Liam sat back in his seat. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you why."

"Tell me." I said. 

He shook his head and then balled up his fist. "Ask Annika." 

He then stood up from his seat and tucked the gun into his back pocket. "Don't worry, we'll see each other soon."

I quickly pulled out my phone with shaking hands and gave Czar a call, he rung about two times before he answered. 

"Zariah? Where are you?"

"No, where are you?!" I said, my voice broke and tears began to fill my eyes.

I had just been put in a very scary situation and Czar was no where to be found.

"What's wrong?" He asked his voice sounding worried.

"L-liam." I said before breaking into tears.

"Zariah, where are you right now?" He asked panicked.

"The dinning h-hall."

He told me he was on his way before hanging up. My heart began to pound and I felt a panic attack coming on. I placed my head down on the table and tried to breathe in and out. It felt as if no air was coming in. I began to feel lightheaded and before I knew it I was surrounded by darkness.


Finally! We meet Liam, what do you guys think? Do you guys believe he had a good reason for murdering Czar's dad, wellllll I guess we have to wait and see. Also where the hell was Czar!!! Anyways  I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. Until next time my lovelies. 

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