an open letter for the girl who was here to stay

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I have experienced countless losses so far, may it be with friends, relationships, passion for certain things, goals, or even with my biggest dreams. I could say that it takes a lot of maturity and emotions to be used to losing what you once settle as a priority. But time continues to run, and I've learned that you won't just wait until something good happens before deciding to continue. It's you that will make choices for your life to be either be in better or in a worse situation.

I've learned the art of letting go, the hardest way. It has already been my defense mechanism not to take too much toll on my emotions and thoughts whenever it came to me that I have no control over changing someone else's choices. Let them be in the choice they wanted. Let them leave and come whenever they wanted. Let them make their own choices. By then, you'll realize that the ones who stayed made a choice to be with you.

Are you for real?

Never did I ever imagine being part of your life. Never did I ever imagine being concerned with how's your life has been this week. Never did I ever imagine planning the future with you. For whatever it was, it is, and it will be, I thank you for everything. We were just getting started, I know, and I can say that the journey of our friendship has not been a walk-in-the-park, sis. It certainly is not one to rave for, but I felt like it was something worth staying.

I can never promise anything about what the future has for us. I can never say until when I can still keep you. I can never say if the choices you will make in the future still includes me in it.

But for now, my choice is here, to stay. And that, among everything else, has and always been the choice that felt right.

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