chapter 1 - morning meetings and novel ending debates

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chapter 1 - morning meetings and novel ending debates



"morning june."

i greet the sweet little librarian and she gives me my daily chocolate bar and hug. is it sad that one of my only friends is over eighty and smells of rum? no. definitely not.

i head to my corner with all the fluffy cushions which is directly under the heating vent. all of the librarians know thisismy corner. all of the regular library goers know this is my corner. it's just the way it is. i plop my book bag on the couch and slip my baggy denim jacket off.

i head to the historical section to look for any book i can find that involves the medieval times. i'm not that much of a nerd, i swear. i manage to find two that i haven't already read a countless number of times. i let out a quiet squeal of excitement unintentionally.

okay, maybe i am.


an hour has passed and i've already picked up my third book, (which involved the history of the japanese shoguns). i sit down in my little corner that i've basically become territorial over. i begin to read and the silence of this blissful library is no longer existent.

i look up to find a group of five boys around my age, maybe even a couple years older, giggling at a children's book. that there is one of the reasons i refuse to socialise with people my age. the majority of them are so immature for me to handle. their giggles have turned into bursts of loud laughter and i can't help but roll my eyes, don't they realise this is a public library for god's sake?!

i get up to put my book back, as i have had enough of history today. now, onto fiction. i pick out one of my favourite books that i basically read on a weekly basis. that book is paper towns. i plop down in my corner and can feel a set of eyes on me.

i look up to see one of the guys in the little childish group in staring at me. he is wearing too much black to be honest. he's also wearing a leather jacket and boots. i don't like leather. leather equals danger. i feel intimidated. no mysterious guys ever stare at me, especially ones that look as good as he does.

i manage to match his stare and i have never felt this awkward. that's saying something since being awkward is a well known trait of mine. i also hate eye contact. i don't even know this guy's name and he's already having some kind of effect on me. i look towards the ground, breaking our stares.

"no that didn't happen at the end lou, even ask ni."

"i swear on my mother's life lads, that's what happened."

"lou..your mum's alive."

"shut up liam."

i hear the boys arguing over something irrelevant i imagine. until one of them speaks to me.

"oi. pssstt. book girl! over here."

i look up and all of them are staring at me. i look at the ground again. no eye contact. god, how do people stand it? i look up and respond with an "mmm?"

"what happens in the end of that book of yours? plastic towns or whatever?" the smallest and loudest of the bunch asks me.

"'s called paper towns." i answer quietly and i can feel my cheeks burn.

"speak up thanks." he spits and i am reminded of why i hate 95% of the human population.

"lou..leave her mate. just because you're hungover doesn't mean you can be a dick to complete strangers." leather boy remarks.

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