His First Love

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Neji was waiting at the place they usually spoke, since Nisaka told him that they had to meet up. He was pretty anxious, since Nisaka never really asks to meet up that much. But as he looked up Neji saw Nisaka, and waved yelling "Nisaka! Hi, what'd you need to talk about?" Nisaka responded with a sigh, as he was getting ready to tell Neji who his first love was.

Nisaka said in a serious tone "Neji, you know how I said there was another person I've loved before? When we were on the train to the camp?" Neji nodded in response, "Yeah, what about it?" Nisaka sighed once more, and got to explaining. "Well, he was my brother's frie-" Neji cut him off almost immediately as he said "he" "Wait, what? He was a guy?" Nisaka nodded, and went back to explaining. "As I was saying, he was my brother's friend. His name is hard to remember, but he used to come over all the time. He first saw me when my brother came home with him, and I was watching a movie when he first spoke to me. He came over all the time after that, but... until one day... he..." Nisaka's voice trailed off, remembering this was hard for him.

Neji was worried, and asked "He what, Nisaka?" Nisaka did another sigh, and answered with "He.. he kissed me." Neji was shocked, almost jealous. "He what?" Nisaka didn't answer that, as he already knew that Neji heard him. Instead, he continued. "It felt like I was in love with him, but remember my ex-girlfriend? I had to kiss her, too. But.. when I kissed him.. it felt.. different, and I started to go over to his house, and vice versa.  The thing is, he got his notice. And left me in the dust. He wasn't responding to anything." Nisaka's voice broke a little, and his eyes were tearing up. Neji immediately hugged Nisaka, and the two boys wished this could last all night.

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