▪︎■ 06 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

Shouldn't you know best? His words repeated in my head while I walked down the hallway. I got suspicious, wary but then again I was curious. There was something about this woman that wouldn't let me rest. And I didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. At the moment it was just irritating and most likely meant trouble.

She had a connection to Jiménez and I didn't know of which kind. Also, her impulsive decision about killing the only hint that could've lead me to my enemy, infuriated me. I really couldn't empathize with her mindless behavior or business choices, I could only make sure she wouldn't do anything similar while we were allies.

Walking into the office I surprised my right hand and best friend, Nicolas.

"Adrin? You're here already?" he greeted, apparently surprised. I cocked an eyebrow and looked at him while sitting down.
"What do you mean 'already'? I was gone for over three hours."
He grinned.
"Yea, well, I thought you would fuck her the whole day. Were you that bad or is your game just weak, huh?"
I sighed in annoyance. "She's a business-partner. You know I don't mix pleasure and business."
"With her I would. I mean have you not seen her?"
I just shook my head, further getting annoyed by the conversation.

"It's dangerous, Nico. Plus, I don't plan on fucking around like my worst enemy isn't walking around, fucking up my life again."

He looked at me.

"She's just a woman. How dangerous could she be, fratello." (brother)

Before I lead to the main topic that brought me here today, I drew a cigarette and a lighter.

"She's made it far, so you tell me. What did you find out about her?"

The man leaned forward and grabbed the little package from my hand, took a cigarette for himself. After his unnecessary, overly dramatic pause, Nicolas answered with a plain "absolutely nothing".
I looked at him in disbelief. "What do you mean 'nothing'?"
"Not exactly nothing, in fact it was too much I heard. Too much different versions and divergent facts were you just can't tell which of them are true. Your little Ms. Moreno truly is a mystery."

My hand massaged my temple. I definitely was NOT in the mood for Nicos attitude right now.

"And for what exactly do I pay you? How incompetent do you have to be for not finding out some basic information about someone!" With a deep inhale of nicotine, my decision became clear.

"Search until you find something. We know where she comes from, her last name and most importantly that she is involved with Emilio. He has to die. Quickly. I will just find some things out on my own, if you don't."

He smirked, knowing. "Well well, look who ignores his principles now! I wish you and your dick lots of fun. Just don't get pussy whipped man..."

"You're only thinking about sex, aren't you? She's just a toy to get to Jiménez." I answered, unbothered. "Besides, It's just the last option. I don't trust her. I will do anything to kill him. I just have to, Nico."

He grabbed me by my shoulders, forcing me to look at his serious expression.

"I understand, but don't get lost inside your spiral of revenge, brother. You're destroying yourself, Adrin, and I know she wouldn't have wanted that."

"Just do your fucking job," I said, harshly removing his hands by his arms.


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