Chapter 1

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Blood pooled around their feet seeping through their shoes and staining their socks. It crept slowly across the floor, colouring the wooden boards a dark, sickly red. Endeavour the number one hero, lay on the floor.
"He's dead," Todoroki announced after a quick inspection of his fathers lifeless body. Though he spoke in his usual expressionless voice, Midoriya thought he saw a glint relief or perhaps triumph in his boyfriends eyes, as they shone in the evening light. Todoroki knelt in the warm blood that continued to leak from Endeavors body. Tilting his head downwards, his eyes flickered over the corpse, taking in every detail or his fathers pathetic and vulnerable state.

Endeavour's head lolled to the side, his mouth agape. It unnerved Midoriya to see this supposedly indestructible, pro hero reduced to the mortal predicament of death. Suddenly, Midoriya seemed to come to his senses, remembering the knife they had discarded mere minutes earlier. He hastened to collect it from where it had landed no more than a few meters away. Todoroki was now examining the wounds left by the very knife Midoriya, now held tightly in his sweaty hand.

A cold chill ran down Midoriya's back. He flinched, as though someone had set ice cubes down his back.
"Shouto!" Midoriya barked. He saw his boyfriends shoulders twitch in fright at the unexpected harshness in his voice. Struck by a twinge of guilt, he continued in a slightly softer voice. "Please, we have to clean this up and get out. Your sibling are sure to be home soon..." he trailed off as it felt unnecessary finish the sentence.
"Ah yes, we mustn't let them see! They will be heartbroken."
Midoriya met Todoroki's sarcasm with a stern glare. However the twitching corners of his mouth portrayed his pitiful attempt at concealing his laughter.

Todoroki rose to his feet, his head tilted to the side as though he were considering what there next move should be. Despite the serious expression on his face Midoriya did not think that he looked concerned. With his eyes angled to the side and an unexpected relaxedness in his jaw Midoriya fancied that he looked more expectant than anything.

No sooner had he drawn this conclusion than a gruff voice called out a string of unknown words. They were not clearly distinguishable amongst the still echoing crash that had come from the door way. Barley able to move from mingled shock and terror, Midoriya craned his neck searching for his boyfriend.

He found him and was unsurprised to see that he looked a little worse for ware. His clothes were torn and his hair was sticking up in a away that one might have assumed he'd been electrocuted. Todoroki's arms were covered in dark, quickly drying blood, which had also managed to splatter itself across the rest of his face and body.
Midoriya recoiled at the thought that he probably looked much the same. Though he made no effort to rectify his appearance as he knew any attempt would simply make it worse.

Midoriya found Todoroki and his nerves were calmed slightly at the site of his nonchalant figure. He had scarcely moved from the standing position which he had been examining Endeavour, but now as the obnoxiously loud footsteps continued ever closer, he strode over to the edge of the room. Todoroki's sudden movement left Midoriya even more scared. His whole body was trembling like a leaf and fog seemed to cloud his mind. Inwardly cursing himself for his fear he attempted to ask Todoroki what was going on. He did not think anyone else should have come home this early and it was the unexpected that scared him most.
"W-wh-hoo, w-w-wat iss, Shouto..." he stuttered in a pleading way.
Todoroki did not answer. Instead he took a seemingly confident step forward through the door way. Though Midoriya could see from the tension in his shoulders that he was not as assured as he was letting on.

The footsteps reached a peak of sound and became silent. Outside the door way stood a tall, imposing figure, covered in what looked like decaying scars. Nearly fainting from dread Midoriya steadied himself in time to hear a thrillingly familiar voice coming from the strangers mouth.
"You called, brother?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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