forget me...

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Forget me: 

That day was the prom of the old pupils of that high school,which are now in collage some of them are married and others are dating or waiting for kids,James was comming by,smiling as kid why not and he is about to propose to his first crush? yeah,he's about to propose to Kamilia, that girl was with her friends at the prom they were talking about random things while they are waiting for their old friends....

James and Jacob came and every one could notice how nervous is james and how is jacob trying to make him feel better...

-the porm start and the friends were talking together and james was just staring at kamilia he was imagining her as his bride wearing that white dress and walking shy... 

-after a while Kamilia left them a went alone to the garden and sit on the grass she was having fun while watching the stars on the sky around her sandly she saw some one getting closer to her she started to run as hard as she can, until she went on the road and a car crush her so that persone left her...

- After a lot of tries to make james stop being nerious by jacob,he's finally ready to prepose,he stared to walk around the garden to find her but he could not but some how his feet took himto that road,where he found her,thrown a road and bleeds....he took her to the hospital,he was crying hard and Jacob was trying to make him feel that everything is and going to be alright but acctully is was not  James knew so because he was with her at the same room,but with some why he felt Kamiliamoving he felt with alot of hope,just like a new baby who've just born,who is imagining the life how it  would be,,,mostly when She hold his hand and start crying 

James: Kamilia everything is gonna be alright don't cry..

Kamlia: james i think that i should say goodbye 

James: No it's the perfect time to hold on 

Kamilia: i'm sure i'll die soon i feel i gonna go the other side with my mom... 

James: you'll meet your mom but not now just 80 years to go 

Kamilia: but James if i died now,promise me that your life won't stop promise me that you will Foget me, and you'll keep your life going,and you'll marry the love of your life 

that moment was killing for James he stared to cry too and he said: '' but kamilia your the love of my live"

kamilia: i'm not any more good bye 

that was her lest words before she died James couldn't take that put the ring on her finger and said will you merry me? but she was dead she couldn't reply so stared to cry more than her aver did in his whole life, Kamilia's dad came and saw James on that why hand and crying so he hugged him

KAMILIA's dad: don't cry son she's with her mom now 

James: but sir i loved her so much i wanted to take her from your hand while she's wearing white 

James:kamilia wake up c'mon don't do that to me Kamilia please i love you honey c'mon 

he kissed her cheek and felt how much cold is it and he get it he hugged her and said 

                                                   ''rest in peace i won't forget you angle"


Moral: take your time with your lovers and spend it well because death doesn't ask us to came 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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