The Story

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The crowd erupts in laughter. I try to run away but I'm paralyzed. Eventually, Chibidoki comes into view. She's the only one not laughing but she does look away and my heart is broken.

This wasn't supposed to happen. This day was supposed to be perfect.

Let me start at the beginning and obviously with an introduction. My name is FurryFang. I'm a vampire (I was born a vampire and my grandfather is Dracula) but I'm also a furry. This pissed my whole family off but I don't care. They can all go eff themselves, especially Grandpa Dracula, more like Crapula, if he wanted to smoke me (that's vampire-speak for killing) he would've done so already but I know it's because he can tell I'm the real alpha around here.

My fursona is a Rainbow Dragon. A dragon because they're awesome and it only made sense that I would be one, he's rainbow-colored because a rainbow landed on his mom's belly while she gave birth to him.

I woke up that morning already smiling. I dreamt that I was getting the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to the Furry community. I put on some blush on my cheeks to trick any human from realizing I'm a vampire in case they see me without my costume. I wasn't afraid to be hunted, I can take on like 10 tanks easily, but I didn't want to move from this town. There's somebody I cherish here and she's worth the annoyance of putting on blush. Besides, Me putting on blush is like a dragon putting on a wig, laugh at it and you'll be sorry.

I then put on a Blade(the vampire hunter) shirt because I love irony, along with some jeans and skater shoes. I don't skate but I'll learn one day, I'm a prodigy at everything I do so it would only take me like an hour to be the vampire Tony Hawk.

Finally, came the best moment of that day. It was time to suit up. (It's cool if you call it that) My fursuit only had two parts; the onesie and the head. The onesie was silk satin to allow better light reflection for brighter colors, this was the most important detail because a Rainbow Dragon has to shine brightly, and it was also super soft so everyone who touches it will love it. The head, in my opinion, was the best part. My fursona is a trickster but one with a heart of gold, that's why he always had large colorful eyes to show his friendliness while a large smug grin reflected his mischievous side. Once I was done suiting up, I went downstairs to my lame family.

"You can't go out looking like that!" Grandpa Crapula yells at me from the kitchen.

"Or what?" I give a little snarl.

He flinches and stays quiet.

FurryFang - 100

Crapula - 0

No doubt about it, I am the apex predator on the planet.

I grab a blood pack from the fridge, the blood belongs to the last guy that made fun of my suit. I bet he really regrets messing with me now. I head outside while giving my parents the finger.

Today was the day. It was the biggest furry convention that the world has ever seen but it was more than that. It was the day I will finally ask Chibidoki to go steady with me.

Chibidoki is amazing, if that wasn't clear enough, I mean she would have to be to get me to notice her. If we're being honest, I can get with anyone I wanted to. There's plenty of fish in the sea but only one of me. Basically, I am not just a catch. I am the catch.

Anyway, back to Chibidoki or Chibs as that's my nickname for her (I call her Chibidoki doki since she's the only thing to get my undead heart to beat). She's a Crystal Dragon which is a perfect match to my Rainbow Dragon. Our babies will be so bright and colorful. She's god's proud and loud 3 foot gift to the world (or me to be exact) wrapped in a perfect pink ribbon.

FurryFang Wins The Day (A Chibidoki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now