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"Each nanosecond of history branches off into an infinite amount of parallel universes."

I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. As I prepared to fall asleep, today's events started flashing before me.

"Bye-Bye, Kiyotaka-kun"


It left a bad taste in my mouth. However what I did was necessary to be done. Me being assertive today was unusual. Though not many pointed out the fact due to the intensity of the situation.

Starting today, the way I am perceived by others is going to change. I wonder.

Without realising, I had gotten somewhat attached to this place and the people here. My actions may have made people call me heartless, but I still cared for her in my own way.

With that, I slowly started falling asleep.

Lying monsters are a real nuisance:

"What do you mean? I am just a regular high school boy."

They are much more cunning than others.

"I am just above average"

They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart

"Don't say that. I feel my heart is going to crack"

They study even though they have no interest in academics

"What else is a high school student supposed to do?"

They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Would you like to be my friend?"


I unintentionally let out a confused noise as I looked around at my surroundings.

In front of me was a familiar surrounding. One that I hoped I wouldn't see any time soon. Yet, here I am.

How? Why? When? Several questions popped up in my brain and yet none could be answered. Calm down. All I have to do is stay calm. More like, that's all I can do right now.

Is this real? Or is this just fantasy? My gaze fluttered here and there as I tried to assess my current situation.

So from what I have observed, I am not exactly in the white room. The bed feels different. As well as the surrounding. Unless of course they changed it while I was out. There's also an empty chair.

There was no logical explanation as to how I could be here. That brings me back to the possibility of this being an illusion.

"Feel free to think as much as you can, I will wait."

In an instant, I rolled across the bed and ducked behind it. Opposite to the direction where the sound was from. I had no idea about who the voice came from, but I sensed danger.

"Fear not, I would not hurt you, do not worry. I just wanted to have a talk with you."

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't find a logical conclusion for what was unfolding before me. was safe to conclude logic will not save me here.

I looked up and located the source of sound, however I only saw an empty chair.

"You can not perceive me? Well that is to be expected..... Anyway, you must be having a lot of questions. Do not worry, I will answer all the questions as truthfully as I can."

I didn't sense any malicious intent behind the voice. And so, I got up and started interrogating.

"Who are you? And why are you not visible to me?"

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