~MH - 8 ~ { Completed }

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Four Years Later

Rishab pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation, trying to ward off the migraine that is starting, and to curb his irritation as he hated jetlag, he removed his upper coat, opened up the cuffs and collar button, along with removing shoes and plopping onto the couch in the room they are staying, as they are at Kolkata for Mr. Mehra's Daughter's wedding reception and Durga Pooja as it was Dusshera.

"For the record, I am ready to go back to Amsterdam, but you are keeping us here saying we need to attend this pooja and wedding, Mehra can understand," Rishab said as he peeled the chocolate wrapper and handed it over to their eight-year-old daughter Kukki and their four-year-old son Rishaan who were busy having it while spreading it around their mouths and the couch covers while Rishab smirked seeing it at the same time he took baby face wipes and started to clean their faces not wanting to face his wife's wrath.

"Well, we would not have been late, if you would have helped with dressing up the twins but you were busy distracting me and now if you would peel off your butt from the couch and find their shoes, we can leave," Prerana snapped at him and Rishab sighed knowing he was guilty and it did not help his wife when she has her hands full with their four hyperactive kids who are always up to something.

"We are ready to go," Prerana said taking Kukki's hands while the twins were placed in the stroller while Rishab nodded his head and picked up their son into his arms and walked out to get the car which he uses here while Prerana walked out and closed the door before following him.

Prerana strapped the twins in baby car seats while to their right was Kukki who was busy looking outside while their son was busy trying to drive the car by occupying his father's lap and pretending to drive which made her smile and remember how this all came to be.


Prerana stood in front of the mirror looking at herself, she was wearing a red and white saree draped in Bengali style with bangles, anklets and filled her maang till the end of the hairline with sindoor and started searching round and all around the room and shelves when she felt the cool metal touching her neck and looked up to see her husband tying it around her neck and took a breath of relief.

"I thought I lost it somewhere Rishab, you could have told me it was with you," Prerana said sternly and he looked sheepish "Biwi, I won't let anything happen to our relationship, and when you see this nuptial chain as a symbol for what we share do you think I will let this misplace?" Rishab asked and she nodded her head in no and he smiled before looking at her from top to bottom.

"You are looking beautiful and divine today, the image you project is of a completely married woman which means it signifies you belong to me completely in every way and I love that," Rishab said and she was looking divine with a simple nuptial chain in her neck and sindoor in her maang looking purely as a married woman which made her smile shyly at him.

"I must say you look handsome as well Mr. Bajaj," Prerana said and he smirked and she frowned seeing the mischief behind the smirk "Won't that be a problem for you?" He questioned her "Why will that be a problem for me," She cross-questioned him and his smirk was bigger this time "Because irrespective of age, all the females will flirt, admire and drool on me," He answered her and she chuckled listening to it "Well, Mr. Rishab Bajaj, as you said they can only drool and admire you from far but I have all the rights on you as your wife even though they may flirt with you and I know you are not a romantic person when it comes to the female population other than me as an exception and if you want to flirt you can but be prepared to sleep on the couch for next six months as a punishment," Prerana said smirking and Rishab laughed loudly before pecking her on lips with love, this peck was soft and fast which made her smile and they pulled apart when they heard baby rattle falling and looked on the bed to see their son cutely glaring at her and Rishab laughed before taking his son in his arms.

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