Chapter six

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Dean stayed quiet for a while trying to pass the time by staring at the clock on the wall while Sam and Bobby looked through lore books. So far the two had found nothing since most skinwalkers kept to themselves and were commonly mistaken for werewolves.

"It doesn't make any sense. It says here that a skinwalker can transform at will!" Sam exclaimed and rubbed his hands through his hair in frustration. -Bobby told him to try and relax but Sam wasn't having it, how could he relax if his brother was stuck as a dog and losing his memory slowly. Dean seemed to catch up on all the tension in the room and felt it would be best if he just left for a while. However, as soon as he caught the scent of the alpha again he snuck out the window to go find him. The latches of the windows were shut but Dean used his teeth to break the latches and jumped out the window leaving it wide open. His canine senses were going haywire and all he could focus on was finding the alpha. Sam eventually noticed that Dean had left and almost screamed when he saw the open window. "That's it I'm locking him in the panic room!" Sam exclaimed, running out the door.

"Oh yeah go ahead don't wait up on me," Bobby complained at the sight. He had bad knees and wasn't in the mood to run but he did anyway knowing that Sam and Dean needed his help. Sam eventually caught up with Dean who was cornering a man he could only assume was the alpha. He remembered how Alex had described the man, black hair, gray eyes, and about twenty-four years of age. He had no vial in his hand but his teeth were sharp like wolf teeth even in his human form.

"So you finally decided to show yourself?" The alpha mocked. Dean growled and tried to pounce on him but the Alpha raised his hand and forced Dean to sit. "You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" he asked. "I am the alpha and you can't just challenge me out of the blue," he continued.

"Hey that's enough," Sam said, taking out his gun. The alpha turned to face Sam with an amused expression on his face. Never had a hunter just revealed themselves to him that easily so all he could do was laugh.

"Sammy, what are you doing?" Dean said in surprise. He did not want his brother to come after him only to get infected as well.

"I'm saving your ass," Sam responded. The skinwalker looked between Dean and Sam unsure of how to react, especially since Sam had somehow figured out how to talk to his brother.

"Wait, you understand him?" the alpha said in surprise. Without saying anything Sam shot the alpha in the arm with a silver bullet. The alpha cried out in pain and growled, he took off into the forest since he had a plan. With the hunter sticking with his brother it was going to be harder to infect Dean with more of the drug. So he had to get rid of Sam first, falling behind Bobby was struggling to keep up but had eventually caught up with Sam and Dean only to find out that they had already gone after the alpha.

"Those boys seriously don't want to wait up," Bobby said and leaned against a nearby tree. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean were running after the alpha but before Dean could attack the alpha acted like he was giving up.

"Okay you win I give up," he lied panting. As he bent down he took notice of the nearby river and so far neither Sam or Dean had noticed it.

"Do you think I'm stupid, I'm not falling for that!" Sam exclaimed.

"Oh I think you're very stupid," the alpha responded. He transformed without warning and lunged at Sam, causing him to fall back into the river. "Oh that was too easy," he mocked.

"Sam!" Dean exclaimed and growled at the alpha. "You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

"Kill me, you haven't been very successful in your attempts," The alpha responded. "Besides I was like you once I had younger siblings too," he continued. "You might have met one of them, he's about seventeen," Dean thought briefly as realization dawned on him.

"So you turned your own brother into a skinwalker," Dean said. "And just when I thought you couldn't get any worse," Dean growled.

"If he hadn't been busy with our new sister I wouldn't have had to," the alpha said "but life is short especially for hunters, I can sense that you are angry about your new self Dean, but I can help you," he continued. "No little brother is going to slow you down, you can be free and do whatever you want," At first Dean seemed to consider it but that was quickly replaced with saving his brother.

"No, I'm nothing like you," Dean said. "Sam is my brother, it's always been me and him against the world," he continued. "I won't lose him, not ever!" Dean ran past the alpha and jumped into the rushing waters as he swam toward Sam. His brother had been unconscious and if he wasn't saved soon, Sam would drown and there would be nothing left for him. Dean pushed forward, with renewed strength, he reached for his brother at the same time he had transformed from dog to human. Dean grabbed his brother by the torso and swam to shore. It took a few minutes before Sam woke up and he was coughing harshly as the water left his mouth.

"Dean...I think I hit my head," Sam said, still recovering.

"Your alright Sammy," Dean responded. "Your safe,"

"Am I dreaming? I thought you were a dog?" Sam asked. He had so many questions, one of which was how in the world did Dean transform back. Was it all the stress he was under? Maybe the key to transforming was intense emotions. "Wait, am I dead? The alpha pushed me!" Dean looked at himself in surprise to see that he had opposable thumbs. He couldn't believe it, Dean turned back to his brother with a huge smile on his face.

"You aren't dead, I dove into the water to save you," Dean said. "I wasn't going to let my little brother die,"

"Dean I'm not little," Sam complained. Even though he was relieved he wouldn't have to worry about Dean losing his memory anymore.

"In my eyes you are," Dean responded as he helped his brother from the ground and hugged him. Sam hugged his brother back and pulled away. "Now that I'm human again, we need to end that Alpha. He turned his own brother into a skinwalker, if we don't stop him soon, he'll turn everyone he sees into a skinwalker," 

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