It's just a little cloudy right now.

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The BTS members were excited to have   just finished recording a brand  new pop song, however they still hadn't agreed on a title but weren't too focused on that quite yet. Before releasing the new song, their main goal was to come up with a new dance for the track. They were always given the greatest choreographers who would come in and teach them dances to their music, and they were all very grateful to be able to work with some of the best around the world. Sometimes they would have the same choreographer for multiple dances, and sometimes they would take in new ones. For this new track, they would be introduced to a new one.

Bang PD told the guys that their new choreographer had helped create dances to some of the top artists greatest videos, and they were all very impressed. They were told his name was Ian, and they looked up some of his work and were absolutely amazed by some of the choreo he had developed. This had them even more excited.

Today would be their first practice with Ian.

The members were gathered in the dance studio practicing to older songs when Ian came in, he introduced himself and they all bowed and introduced themselves one by one. Hobi introduced himself as the teams official dance leader, so let the choreographer know they would be working closely with eachother. Ian seemed like a super nice first.

He listened to the track and began teaching them some steps he developed, however he saw the members progress as less than satisfactory.

"Taehyung no, that's NOT how you do it."

"Jin what are you even trying to attempt?"

"Namjoon are you dancing or having a seizure?"

His insults wouldn't let up, until finally Hobi decided to speak on their behalf, " Alright, I don't mean any disrespect but please take it a little easy on them. This is all brand new, they won't be perfect the first time learning it." He told their choreographer, and honestly Hobi thought his members were actually doing a fantastic job. Every time Ian spat out an insult to someone, he had no idea what the man was even talking about.

They continued to learn the moves but it became increasingly harder as not only the dance became harder, but hearing insults thrown their way had everyone in a bad mood, nobody even wanted to try anymore.

"Hobi hyung can we please take a break?" Jimin pouted.

" Of course," the dance leader insisted. He knew his members needed a break to get some water and rest for a moment. He wasn't unaware of how gloomy and depressed they all looked.

"Excuse me, but I don't think a break is necessary. You boys have a lot of improving to do, we can't waste time," Ian told them. Everyone had already stopped to drink some water anyways.

"But we're tired. We've been practicing nonstop for hours. Plus, it's only the first day. We have months to practice. We never learn dances this quickly," Taehyung told Ian. The members agreed that the choreographer was moving a little too quickly with teaching them. He seemed to be trying to teach them an ENTIRE dance routine in one day when most choreographers broke it down into 30 second increments over the course of weeks. Ian glared at Hobi.

"Jung Hoseok," Ian started.

"What?" Hobi stared at him while sucking down half his water bottle.

"You need to control your team. I said no breaks."

"We need water breaks or we'll pass out." Hobi told the man.

"Well then, it will build character. Break is over. Everyone back into position," Ian demanded. Everyone groaned as they made their way back into their starting spots. Yoongi honestly didn't care what the choreographer wanted, he was planning to give minimal effort for the rest of practice, he was tired. They all were. Once again, Ian was not satisfied with the members performance. He stopped the music mid routine and started scolding the whole group.

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