Movie Night - ❤️

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The crew at Teufort always had movie nights at the end of every month. This time it was Scouts turn to choose which movie the crew was going to watch. Scout would usually choose a chaotic film for the others to watch. For this month, Scout chose the movie 'Jaws' for the crew to watch.
Everybody got ready for the movie. Heavy and Soldier moved the couch to the movie area, Engineer and Demoman moved the TV stand to the movie area, and everyone else got the snacks, their pyjamas and blankets. Spy wasn't too bothered with movie night. He thought it was childish, so he just went to bed early, he usually did when it was Movie Night.

Medic was in his room, which was connected to MedBay. He chuckled as his dove, Archimedes, flew onto his shoulder and nuzzled him, trying to get Medics attention. Medic stopped what he was doing and sat down on his bed to pay attention to Archimedes, letting him sit in his palm as Medic scratched his neck.
Medic was so occupied with paying attention to Archimedes, he didn't notice Sniper, his boyfriend, entering through the door. Medic smiled and sighed as Archimedes flew away from him, Archimedes was always happy to see Sniper, using his hat as a sort of nest whenever Sniper took it off. Medic walked over to Sniper, Sniper kissing him lightly on the forehead as Medic embraced him in a hug.
'Missed me, love?' Sniper asked, eying Medic. Medic smiled 'Ven I'm not withzin a 1 mile radius of you, I miss you dearly.' Sniper chuckled, he and Medic loved each other in their own way, whether that was through compliments, sex, kissing and cuddling etc.
The two shared a lovely moment between them, Archimedes nuzzling in Snipers neck, but Soldier soon burst through the door, ruining the moment.
'You maggots can love each other later, the movie is about to start, so get out there! That's an order!' Soldier pointed to where he came from. How he had broken no door frames yet was a mystery to everyone. Sniper helped Medic grab his blanket and a pillow whilst Medic put on some slippers and put Archimedes in his cage, leaving him some food and water.
Medic took his blanket from Sniper and carried it to the movie area, Sniper following behind him. They soon joined the others in the Movie Area, Scout inserting the 'Jaws' disc into the DVD player. When he looked up, he spotted Sniper and Medic entering the room, Medics blanket dragging behind him as he carried it.
'You two where a while, what were ya up to?' Scout snorted. He liked to make jokes about what Sniper and Medic did when no one was around.
'Scout,' Medic began 'If you make anothzer zex joke, I vill deztroy your bloodline!' Everyone in the room went quiet, giving him a •—• face. 'You can destroy his bloodline later, Ludwig. For now, let's just watch the film,' Sniper chuckled, placing his hand on Medics shoulder. Medic pouted a bit and settled onto the sofa, Sniper soon joining him. Once everyone was all settled down with snacks and their places, Engineer turned the lights off, and turned on the TV. Almost everyone noticed that Scout was shaking with excitement when the beginning credits started to roll. He had seen 'Jaws' in theatres when it first came out and he instantly fell in love with the movie. And now that the movie was on DVD, he didn't have to spend all his money on a theatre ticket just to see it again and again.

About an hour and a half later

Everyone watched at the edges of their seats as the characters set off the find the shark. Engineer ended up having to duck tape Scouts mouth shut so that he wouldn't spoil the movie. Engineer hates spoilers for movies more than when a Spy saps his Sentry's in Battle. Sniper turned to Medic with a bowl of Popcorn in his lap. Medic was unusually quiet and Sniper thought that he would fancy some snacks.
Medic was away in his sleep, snoring softly. 'He looks so sweet when he's asleep..' Sniper thought to himself. Sniper sighed and gently pulled Medic closer to him, resting his head on his chest, so that he would be a bit more comfortable. Medic groaned a little bit once his head was on Snipers chest, fluttering his eyes open a little bit. He smiled at Sniper, holding his arm as Sniper kissed him on the head, stroking his hand through Medics hair. Medic was still half asleep, and he soon started to nod off again. Whilst everyone else was distracted by the movie, Sniper picked Medic up, cradling him like a baby, and carried him to his bedroom.
Sniper nudged door to Medics bedroom open with his hips, Medic held onto Snipers neck, so he wouldn't flop around everywhere as Sniper carried him. Sniper made his way over to Medics bed and placed him down on the mattress. Sniper scurried back to the TV area and grabbed Medics pillow and blanket. He lifted Medics head so he could rest it on the pillow, and pulled his blanket over him. Before Sniper could leave to rejoin the others, he felt something tug on his hand. Medic held onto Snipers hand, trying to pull him closer.

'Stay, please...' Medic mumbled out. Sniper smiled and sighed, and obeyed Medic. He soon got into the bed, being the big spoon as he held Medic from behind. Medic turned around to face Sniper, looking at him with a soft smile as Sniper removed his glasses and placed them on the bedside table. Sniper stroked Medics hair softly, soon allowing Medic to rest his head near Snipers chest, Snipers head on top on Medics.  They both sighed as they got comfortable, the sounds of the others gasping and talking about the film very faint, along with Spy's snoring from the room across the hall.
'Ludwig?' Sniper said, looking to his boyfriend. Medic looked up. 'Yes, Mundy?' Sniper sighed. 'I love you..'  Medic smiled and fluttered his eyes shut, responding with. 'I know. Ich liebe dich auch...' Sniper kissed Medics head and continued to stroke it. It wasn't long before they were both fast asleep, snoring softly.

Ich liebe dich auch - I love you too

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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