The hunt for the yeti

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James a young man went hunting with his father one day they were experienced with rifles and pistols.
As his dad shot a deer they heard a insane roar. It sounded unnatural like a huge bear, they went to investigate leaving the deer behind.

As they trecked through the dark damp woods the saw various animal carcasses lying on the ground they looked up...

It was the snowy mountin keeping them from finding the creature. James' dad looked at him and said "well we better call ot a day"

When they got back home james had to go see what the roar is. He took his bag with hom equipped warm clothes, goggles, gloves and a rifle.

When he arrived at the mountain he was cery repived that he brought goggles because it was a snowstorm on the mountain. James took into consideration what this roar could be: a bear or the mistical creature... the yeti.

The yeti had been said to roam the mountins for millions of years trying to find its next victim to eat. He was said to find military camps and kill the men. The army would cover this up by saying the were attcked by a bear. It was hard not to want to find it.

As he got higher up it was harder to see... ROAR!! He hears it its close, behind him he caoupd hear foot steps running towards him... Knock.

Chapter 2: yeti

James woke up in a small cave with no human in sight only blood on the thick crisp snow. James stood up looked around he didint like it. He ran out as he jumped out he heard a growl, as he got out he bumped into the yeti and hurtled to the ground the yeti grabbed him and threw him against the wall.

James grabbed his weapon a shot the yetis thick skin. It didint hurt him,the yeti pressed him against the thin ice wall and he smashed through, he scuttled away and the yeti couldnt fit into the hole he was safe...

Chapter 3: Survive...

James smashed through the opposite side of the ice into another cave, it was clear. As james walked ovehe heard whispering "what should we do with the yetis" one man asked, the other said "we will just let them roam around" said the other man.
James was shocked that it had been a milatry cover up this whole time.
one man left the other guard to watch the cameras in the cave. James stealthy hit the man on the head with a rock... He thought to himself he had to escape before the guard wakes up he ran out the exit of the cave.

Chapter 4: almost free

James ran out and fell down a slope. On the way he hit 6 trees and got knocked out.
"Uuuugghhh" he had woke up." Ahh ny leg", his leg was broken. Suddenly he heard a engine it was a snow mobile the man on it spotted him he was taken home with a story to tell...

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