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'words' means thinking


Today was Y/N's first day of her new Highschool.She just moved to Japan with her family,and yes she had a younger brother.

●Your PoV●

'I'M LATE,I'M LATE!'I dashed down the streets of the neighbourhood to get the my new school.After a good 10 minute run I made it in one piece.'Still have 2 minutes to spare'.I used the back of my palms to wipe of my sweat and quickly changed into my indoor shoes and went searching for my class.

'Class 1-1,where tf is that?'I continue to search the hallways until...


'Can't believe I already bumped into someone'

???:Its ok!You must be new!Hi,my name is Hitomi Tadano!

You:Hello and my name is Y/N L/N!

You slowly scratch the nape of your neck,

You:Tadano,do you know where class 1-1 is?

Hitomi:We're in the same class!!And call me Hitomi!

Hitomi then draged me to the classroom.I took a seat infront of her.(I dont know the seating plan)

Hitomi:Shousuke look!I made a new friend!

She yelled at a *cute* looking boy beside her.I turned around and gave him an awkward smile as he just stayed in the same poker face.

Hitomi:Don't be scared Y/N!Shousuke here does not talk alot so he just stares or glares at people.Don't get the wrong idea.

I sighed and nodded for the new information about the boy.

The bell finally rang and the homeroom teacher walked in.

Teacher:Ok class,today we have a new student,please stand up and introduce yourself.

I stood up and all eyes were on me.'WHY TF DO THEY LOOK LIKE THEY WANNA MURDER ME??!!'

You:Hi!My name is Y/N L/N and I just moved here from China!I hope we can be friends!

I bowed before sitting back down.Everyonr starts mumering before the teacher starts the lesson.

-Lunch-(Still your PoV)
I stretched my arms before grabbing my lunchbox.Suddenly,I felt someone tugging my shirt.

Hitomi:Heya Y/N!Wanna join me and Shousuke for lunch?

She gave me the biggest puppy eyes so how can I say no to that?I nodded in agreement and the three of us sat at the middle of the class to eat.

Hitomi:Shousuke!You did not intoduce yourself.Come on!Go intoduce yourself!

Hitomi forced Shousuke to talk.After a long silence,he spoke.

Shousuke:Shousuke Komi.

He said in soft voice

You:Y/N L/N,you can call me Y/N,may I call you Shousuke?

Shousuke just sat there in Silence.'I'll take silence as a yesThe three of us just continued to eat.

-After school-

Finally the end of school*cough*Hell*cough*.The three of us are walking back home,turns out we lived near eachother.I bid goodbye to the both of them and entered the almost furnished house.


(Note:M/N is mother's name)

M/N:How was your new school?

You:It was ok,I did made 2 new friends tho.

M/N:Thats good to hear.Go wash up I made (f/f).

I took a nice shower,put on a hoodie and pants before running back downstairs.While eating (f/f),I heard the doorbell rang.



M/n then opened the door and I tried to peek at the people but all I could see was my mom's back.I heard some chattering,maybe the neighbours?
I could hear them walking into the living room so like sonic,I dashed up the stairs into my room.I took out my PS4 and started to play something.

After awhile I hear people comming up the stairs,I heard like what 8 pairs of feet.'How many people are in this house??'

M/n:This is my daughters room

I heard mom said before the door opened and revealed...


Hitomi yelled and pounced on me.

Everyone was in shock,except for...

You:Hello Shousuke

I heard someone gasp so I turned to the owner of the sound,it was a women that looks 18.


M/n:You know these to people?

You:They are my friends and classmates!:)

Everyone slowly intoduced themselves,turns out the women who gasped was Shousuke's mom,beside her was Shousuke's father and the girl with long black hair was Shoko Komi,Shousuke's older sister.

Hitomi's older brother Hitohito Tadano and their two parents that were bowimg like 180° to my family.

My mom decided to cook dinner for all of us.Now Shoko,Shousuke,Hitohito and Hitomi are in my room playing the PS4.

Hitomi:Can we play something else?I'm getting bored.

You:I think I have a board game we can play.

I stood up and went into my closet and took out various board games.We played for like 2 hours before my mom called us down for dinner.

We all talked for awhile,I noticed that Only Mrs Komi is the one that talks,Shousuke,Shoko and their father is very quiet.I guess they got their quietness from their father.

Dinner went on for awhile and after we all bid our goodbyes.

Today was a very long day.💀


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