I: Nathaniel

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I stepped out of my small room, for the first time in a while, and into my crowded living room, occupied by my seven year old brother, my mother, and my eighteen year old sister who was sleeping on her boyfriends lap.
"Did the pizza arrive yet?" I asked, hoping for a reply, since I was so quiet and hard to hear.
"Hm? Oh yeah it did. Jo left the rest on the table, if she didnt eat it all," my mother said, glaring at my sister Jo. "Help yourself." She then went back to reading her book and completely ignoring me for the rest of the night.
I gladly walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, which was full of dirty plates and cups everywhere. "God, do these people even know how to clean up after themselves?" I muttered under my breath before heading to the kitchen table for the leftover pizza.
As told, Jo left the opened box there, with only one slice left. I wasn't that hungry anyways. I thought. As I grabbed the last slice of cheese pizza and placed it on a paper plate, I felt a buzz in my pocket, signalling that I got a message.

Call me you brat.

Obviously from Anastasia. I thought to myself. I ran out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room where I can be isolated from my family and talk on the phone in peace.
My little brother, Daniel, was laughing the entire time as I ran through the living room and into my room, for some strange reason. But I ignored him and slammed my door shut, putting the plate on my desk and jumping onto my bed. I immediately called Anastasia, wanting to hear her voice again.
" 'Ello, love, its been a while!" I said through the phone, taking a bite of the warm pizza as I did.
"Stop calling me that! I'm not your love you Aussie, I am devious!" She responded. "You very well know my name."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I may be an Aussie, but at least I'm your Aussie, Anastasia." I taunted. I wasn't one to say her real name much. I preffered calling her love or deary just to mess with her.
Anastasia was my all time best friend in the world. We have known each other for about two years now, meeting on Tumblr when I sent a message to the wrong person. We started talking more and so forth, becoming best friends in an instant.
"You're so weird AND you're so luck I dont like your name." She said. I could hear her laugh faintly over the phone, making me smile warmly.
"What do you mean you dont like my name? My name is amazing! Its so creative and perfect!"
"Yeah, Nathaniel is so creative. Why not Nathan? Its weird." She said sarcastically.
"Hey, you know you love me so don't go hating on my amazing name. You're just upset because my name is awesome."
"Alright, don't explode or anything. Any who, do you wanna Skype, if you're not busy? I'm super bored and my mom left with my step-dad to some fancy restaurant or something."
I smiled at the fact of being able to see her beautiful face again, even though we Skype almost every night. "It would be a pleasure, love, I'll get my computer running. I'll call you first, no questions asked," I said. "I have to put my phone to charge and put something in the kitchen quickly."
"I'll be waiting, Aussie. You better not take forever!" She said happily before hanging up the phone, more than likely to boot her laptop as well.
As quick as I could, I grabbed the plate with the pizza, only one bite taken out of it, and ran through to the kitchen.
While I placed the pizza on the kitchen counter, Daniel came up behind me with an empty cup.
"'Sup bro, what's up?" I asked him, faster than I usually talk so I can get the conversation over with.
"Water!!" He exclaimed, throwing a big smile at me.
I couldn't help but smile myself at him, being very adorable and small. "Alright, alright. Hey you wanna say hi to your best friend?" I questioned, knowing that he loved Anastasia just as much as I did.

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