The only chapter (this is a very short story)

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Never trust a woman. I did once and it was the worst mistake I had ever made.

Lilith and I had been dating for over three years when it happened. One night, she went out with her friends- or so I thought because when she came back home her clothes were ripped and stained with blood that was clearly not hers.

Her hair and makeup were completely messed up and her eyes had something in them. Something I'd never seen before. Pure evil.

She looked at me and for a second they cleared, bringing back the innocent, sky blue orbs I had fallen for.

" I never meant for this to happen."

I saw a tear form in her right eye and I could've sworn I heard her whisper an apology but at the same time she collapsed onto the floor, motionless. Foolishly, instead of calling the police, I called an ambulance and changed her clothes while I was waiting for it, so that they didn't see the blood. I didn't think my Lily would ever harm anyone- she just didn't have it in her. But this wasn't my Lily. Something was wrong.

Now, I'm in jail for murdering my sister, which I obviously didn't do. When Lilith recovered and left the hospital she forced me to tell the police I had done it otherwise I would end up seeing her again sooner than planned.

I didn't even get to be at her funeral because I was in court but maybe it's better for me that way. I wouldn't be able to handle seeing them bury my sister.

"Hey, Danny! Wake up!" I flinched at the sudden yelling and turned around to see Ben.

"What's up"

"We need to go eat"


He and I followed the guards to the chow hall. Today I had a jacket potato and coleslaw. Wasn't that bad. Better than the corned beef and pickle roll for sure. I made the mistake of trying it once. 'Twas nasty to say the least. Sour. Like drinking straight up vinegar.

When we were all done eating we were led back to our cells by the guards. Little did they know the cutlery they had provided would serve as a tool- hopefully.

I had planned everything. I would wait until everyone was asleep and use a butter knife I had managed to smuggle to my cell to escape. And I did. That night, I took my butter knife and used it as a lever to remove the vent grill under my bed.

I crawled through the vents for a few minutes and, despite my claustrophobia, I managed not to have a panic attack.

I looked through every vent grill I passed by, trying to find an empty room with a window to escape from and everything was going relatively okay until I reached the 23rd vent grill. I looked through it and saw a man,who was awake, typing something on his computer and instantly I gasped.

He frowned and rubbed his eyes as I held my breath and bit my tongue, praying to god he hadn't noticed me. I stayed there for around five minutes. I'm not sure what I was waiting for but whenever I decided to move, I would rethink it and chicken out last minute. That was until he fell asleep and I realised that this was the best opportunity I could get. It was either now or never and I wasn't planning on spending 25 years in jail.

I started crawling through the vents again and around 30 minutes later I found the perfect vent grill. I used my trusty butter knife- god that sounded stupid- to remove the grill and climbed out.

The room was large, with a desk, covered in files and folders and papers. There was also a computer. Looked very expensive. The window was just big enough for me to fit through so I took a huge risk and opened it.

I shut my eyes tightly as a sharp sound entered my ears. I had set off an alarm. I should've known it wouldn't be that easy.

"That's it," I thought "I'm done for"

"Put your hands in the air and stay still" I recognised the woman's soft voice

"Lilith?" I turned around to see no other than my ex girlfriend. The person who brought me into all this, dressed in a police officer uniform.

"You know, Daniel," she looked at me, smirking in the most cruel way possible. "I really thought you'd be smarter than this."

"And I thought you weren't a two faced trai-"

She pulled a gun out of her uniform's jacket and cut me off, pressing the gun against my forehead. "What did you just call me?"

"N-nothing" I stuttered "Please don't-"

"You're right it's not worth it" and with that she pushed me out the window.

It felt different to how I'd imagined it. All I could see was black and I couldn't feel any air hitting my face- wait what? How? This made no sense.

But then I woke up. I was at home, in my bed. I was alone, and safe- but not for long. I heard someone unlock the door but I didn't think much of it. It was probably Lilith. Even though I knew it wasn't anything serious, when you've just had a dream like that, you need to go check no matter how silly it seems to everyone else. A wise man once said "If you ain't scared you ain't human". Oh wait, that was a book character. Anyways, you get the point. I got up and I checked and you wouldn't believe what I saw.

Lilith came in with torn, bloody clothes. Her hair was not placed neatly into that elegant updo it was in when she left. It looked more like someone had been pulling it repeatedly it several times. Almost as if they were trying to escape from her. I took a small step back, not taking my eyes off of her.

"I never meant for this to happen, Dan. I'm sorry"

And, like in the dream, she collapsed. I called the police as fast as I could. Told them about everything but the dream, which was a bit too personal to tell someone but I probably need to at some point. I don't really have the money to get a therapist but health comes first so I'll find a way. The police car arrived along with an ambulance and they took her away.

A month later, after trying to stay out of everything that had happened, my therapist, Sylvia, told me that, whenever I felt ready, I could have someone tell me what happened. She even offered to be present when that happened so that she could help both me and whomever was explaining to me but I declined. She understood why and respected my choice.

I asked my mother what had happened. She told me the doctors said Lilith was experiencing a lot of stress, which caused her blood pressure to drop, making her faint and then she hit her head while falling, giving her a concussion. They also told me she was responsible for my sister's murder, which wasn't much of a shock because I had more or less figured it out myself and (call me crazy if you want) it matched the events of the dream.

I may be a psychopath but I believe something in that dream was different to all others. I will never understand it but I know I'll try.

This was the story of my life in a book but, unlike other authors I skipped all the boring parts like my childhood. I actually consider this the beginning of my life. It was the day I started seeing things differently. The day I matured a bit. I lost some people on the way and I can't say it was worth it but it's not something I can change.

I want everyone reading this to learn something from it. Not that women are all traitors, that was just a stupid phrase I thought of in a dream. What I want you to remember from this story is that it's okay to be afraid, or that you can't just trust anyone, or that if you need a therapist go get one, there is nothing wrong with it and if people call you a psychopath or make fun of you they're just idiots, or that your dreams may not always be true- they almost never are- but in real life nothing is too crazy to be true. It's the reason I decided to write this down. The reason you ever got to read it in the first place so please make good use of it.

Lots of love,


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