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-Next day-

•Your PoV•

It was sweltering hot today,it feels like a oven in the house.My uniform is soaked in my sweat,my hair in (Insert Hairstyle).

I bid my parents goodbye and left.I spotted Hitomi and Shousuke.




We started walking to school when Hitomi broke the silence.

Hitomi:Don't you think today is extra hot?

She said while faning herself with her hands.

You:Yea,my house felt like an oven.

Hitomi:Myabe after school we can go get Ice-cream!!

You:Thats not a bad idea,what do you think Shousuke?

I asked.He just stared at me with the same poker face.I just took that as a yes.He has no free will anyways.

You:We can go to that Ice-cream store near the school,I heard many students like to go there.

Hitomi:That settles it!We are buying Ice-cream!

Hitomi exclaimed,putting her fist in the air.We continued walking but I felt like someone in staring at me.I turned to Hitomi but she was busy talking,so I turned to Shousuke but he was just looking ahead.

•??? PoV•

That newbie thinks just because she's new doesn't mean she can just hangout with Shouske.

???:Yamane stop stalking her and lets go before she spots us.

Yamane:Fine.But next time I'm not bringing you along Tone Mi.

Tone Mi,my second best friend asking me to leave 𝐌𝐘 Shousuke with those two hoes.What a b!tch.Whatever,Hitomi,Y/N,I Yamane Mika will make your lives a living hell.

•Hitomi's PoV•

I kept talking about that time when Shousuke lost at the Soccer game(In Manga) and to be honest,she is an amazing person to talk to.While talking to her,I saw Shousuke taking small glances at her when she giggled at my AMAZING jokes

'I smell 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 in the air'I smirked.Y/N looked at me all confused my I just acted casual and continued my rambling on why school is boring.

-During class-(Hitomi's PoV)

I decided to write a nice note to Shousuke .I wrote something on a small piece of paper and passed it to him.

•Shousuke's PoV•(Finally)

Suddenly a piece a paper was placed onto my table.I looked at Hitomi and she just looked at me with her normal annoying smile.I know if I don't open it she will continue to pass me more notes.

I͟ _s͟a͟w͟ _y͟o͟u͟ _g͟l͟a͟n͟c͟i͟n͟g͟ _a͟t͟_Y͟/N͟_a͟_f͟e͟w͟___
t͟i͟m͟e͟s͟.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)________________________

'Shit,she saw that?'

I͟ _s͟a͟w͟ _y͟o͟u͟ _g͟l͟a͟n͟c͟i͟n͟g͟ _a͟t͟_Y͟/N͟_a͟_f͟e͟w͟___
t͟i͟m͟e͟s͟.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)________________________

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