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I've always hated poetry. I still hate it, but I can't stop making my own...

I've wasted an entire notebook on making poems. The paper could have been used for something like a book but instead it was used on my pointless rants.

Ever since I could read I've loved stories. But poetry never told a story. Poetry was just a ton of pointless rhymes. Or at least thats what I thought...

When I got older I thought haikus were interesting. But writing them was such a pain for me.

Then one day in my English class we read some poems. They didn't rhyme, but instead held an emotion. And I felt whatever the poets wanted me to feel. It was like magic.

I wrote a few meaningless poems for a grade. Surprisingly it was really enjoyable.

Then one day I was feeling so much at once and had no idea how to explain it. So I wrote a poem about those feelings. I loved the end result.

I was proud of the poem. So I showed a few people I trusted. They understood exactly what I wrote, they felt what I wrote.

It was as if my feelings had been put on to paper. It was perfect. So I made more, and more, and more.

Poems From the Mind of an Extremely Anxious  PersonWhere stories live. Discover now