Based Off Her Experience

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The pic is not made by me!

Alya sighed.
It had been 11 years since she'd seen Marinette.
11 years since she'd realised the truth.
11 years since she'd tried to apologise.
11 years since Lila.
Lila had lied.
She lied about her, lied about celebs, but most importantly, lied about Marinette.
And the class fell for it, hook, line and sinker.
Marinette, poor Marinette, had to endure 3 years of torment and bullying, verbally and physically until her honourary uncle Jagged Stone saw her potential.
Not exactly for a designer.
For a singer.
Ever since that fateful day when Jagged heard her sing one of his songs while sewing, he saw it.
He named her Mariachi Pearl.
Mariachi for music and the first 4 letters of her name, pearl for the fact her personality was as beautiful and as shiny as a pearl.
She had many awesome hits, like Head In The Clouds (a song about how some people didn't realise what was happening, based off her life), Pearl On Show (a song about her beginning as Mariachi Pearl) and Revelation (a song about truth).
But Lila found a way to make people believe the songs were about her.
Head In The Clouds was supposedly about her passion to save the environment.
Pearl On Show was apparently about the time Lila went fishing and found 4 pearls.
Revelation was even about (not) when Mariachi Pearl discovered Lila's 'singing ability', a 'revelation', but Lila said no so she could go to school to learn (seriously?).
When her manager (Jagged) got wind of the lies, he sued the class.
Too late, they realised what they did.
Marinette rubbed some more salt into their wounds when she revealed herself.
Alya tried to apologise, but Marinette cut her off with these words.
'Alya, I can't be friends with someone who tormented me for several years. I'd have gone into depression had Jagged not discovered my talent. Please don't talk to me. You'll make it worse.'
With one final glance, Mari swept away, leaving a tearful Alya, pleading for her ex-friend.
Now Alya was married to Nino.
Everyday, she searched the web for Mariachi Pearl's newest hit.
Then, one day, she found it.
A song called 'It's Ok'.
She put on headphones, bought by Nino for their 10th aniversary, and started listening.

Every day I saw my friends
I thought the fun would never end
But then that person came
And very soon everything changed

Alya sighed sadly. This song bought back memories, ones she'd rather forget.

She spread lies and twisted your minds
Left fake evidence for you to find
While she watched with cruel glee
You, my classmates, tortured me

My closest,
my bestest
Best of all friends
Left me, a person on who you could depend
For someone who lied all about me
While you soaked it all up, leaving behind friendship debris

But I'm ok, I can mend
Even though I couldn't comprehend
The fact you left me
Yes, left me

You can see me, dear old friend
All you want is to be together again
And I'll let you
Let you
I miss you, miss you, miss you friend
All I want is to be together again
Together again
Me and you
It's ok

Alya started to cry. The memories and the music was too much.

Those few years were pretty hard
They left me permanently scarred
Physically and mentally
The scars were left monumentally

But I'm ready, ready, ready for an apology
I know our friendship is practically mythology
But, don't worry, I'm here for you
Our friendship can be renewed

You can see me, dear old friend
All you want is to be together again
And I'll let you
Let you
I miss you, miss you, miss you friend
All I want is to be together again
Together again
Me and you
It's ok

Soon it will be the end
But not for you, my old friend
I will be coming to you soon
Thank you for listening to my tune

You can see me, dear old friend
All you want is to be together again
And I'll let you
Let you
I miss you, miss you, miss you friend
All I want is to be together again
Together again
Me and you
It's ok

Ok, my friend.

As the song ended, Alya's tears flowed more, they couldn't stop. She drank some water to calm down, but the tears kept flowing. Nino came over, and consoled her until she finally fell asleep. He kissed her softly on the forehead and went to sleep too.

The next day, after Nino left for work (he was a DJ-for-hire, and he had a party to perform at), Alya made herself breakfast. A few minutes later, as she scooped cereal out of the milky bowl, she heard the doorbell.
She made her way to the door, thinking it was Nino forgetting his headphones again.
But as she opened it, framed in the doorway was someone she thought she'd never see again.
That person smiled.
'I told you you could see me,' whispered Marinette.
Alya burst into tears. They dripped down her face and casacaded onto the floor, but she didn't care.
As the two friends finally reunited, a little red and black spotted kwami who just happened to be flying in the air grinned.

Ok, this is my very first songfic!
Thanks if you read this!
Vote, comment and give me feedback!
Bug out!

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