Peanut butter and yoyleberry

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The smell of morning mist filled the air as Leafy walked around the cold structure, it was around 4 or so in the morning and she was hungry.

So she did what anyone would do, she went to get a little helping of whatever she could find in the team cabin's kitchen.

Being on the Losers had its benefits especially when it came to early morning and or late night snacks. There was always something to nom on, unlike with her old team.

no one on team beep activity knew how to cook, including Leafy, so they rarely had food in there cabin that wasn't leftovers from whatever four had gave them for lunch.

Leafy opened a cabinet and immediately saw it, an opened box of granola bars, a smile danced on her face as she quickly reached for the box, quietly pulling out 2 of the wrapped treats.

She'd always had a soft spot for granola bars. especially the peanut and yoyleberry ones that she only ever got in yoyleland.

Trying to pry open the wrapping, she knew if she made to much noise someone would probably wake up and accuse her of stealing again. sighing in defeat she put the two granola bars on the counter. Expecting only the worst disappointment filling her body. that is, until she released that she could just leave the cabin.

it probably wasn't that cold out anyway. She grabbed the bars off the counter and headed for the door. unlocking it and walking into the fresh morning air.

it was still dark out, the sun was still enjoying its slumber for a few more hours. Leafy took a deep breath in of the fresh air before walking to a nearby tree, sitting down underneath it.

She unwrapped the plastic wrapper with a smile on her face. She quickly bit into it, the smile on her face only growing bigger. She missed these things. taking that first bite reminded her of yoyleland, most of the memories there are blurred but an overwhelming bittersweetness rained heavily over what she could remember. The time she spent there all alone. she still was alone for the most part. Firey barley looks at her anymore, she really can't blame him for that though. Leafy would do the same if Firey stole her prize.

Her smile quickly turned into a frown as she continued to think about the flame. Leafy missed him. She missed being friends with him, but what was she even supposed to say, "Sorry I stole the grand prize you earned after years of battling to get it, not to mention I lost it, sorry about that" As if that would make it up to him.

She finishes the first treat, crumbling up the wrapping and throwing it into a near by bush, not caring to much as she started to dig into the second one.

She didn't want to think about this anymore.

Standing up and unwrapping the second gronala bar. Leafy decided to take a walk, just to clear her head a bit before everyone started getting up for the day.

Leafy took another bite out of the gronala bar.

it really didn't take long for the sun to start coming up. It didn't take much longer for leafy to get back to the cabin, and yet, someone was already up when she got there.

opening the front door just a crack she peeks inside, Firey. He was up, sitting on the couch, watching a show. Leafy quickly closed the door.

maybe she should stay out here, just for now.

She sat underneath the same tree and watched as the sun rise. The welcoming warmth of the sun felt like a heavy blanket, the sun tracing every inch of her body, making it nice and warm.

Leafy yawned. growing sleepy after a few hours of walking, who knew that could make you tired. Her eyelids became extremely heavy, making it an upstream battle to keep them open. Mixed with the warmth of the sun it was almost impossible to try and fight against sleep.

She eventually gave up, leaning on the tree, she let her eyes rest. Getting comfy, she welcomed dream town with open arms as she fell into a deep sleep. all her worries melting away into the deep crevices of her brain.

(As I said. It's not that good. Just me self indulging while I work on some other stuff. Idk if I will update this in the future, knowing me, probably not.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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